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Gold O2 superadjustable

I'm pretty sure I know the answer to this, but, before I accuse the seller of anything I want to double check here.

I bought a gold adjustable recently. Very little description, no date code listed. It arrived today and it is a Super Adjustable, with a gold handle. To my knowledge this was never made. Should I be upset?

While I know of no existence of any open market gold handled Super Adjustables, I suppose it is possible that its was one that was removed from process before be coated with the black resin finish. On the other hand, it could have had the resin finish removed. Or, it could have been striped and replated.
Why get upset?

It looks nice. Does it work? Was it represented to be something special?

Because it's not the item pictured, and there are few people here that would get behind the idea that Gillette ever made a gold handled super adjustable. Far too many people on ebay sell schwag, and as a result, true collectors have to wade through alot of BS, and it drives the prices up. I can't believe what some people will pay for a razor with "just one flaw" or the "usual crack in the handle". Like that president that went for $376 with a crack in the handle?

What makes a razor special isn't just it's rarity, but rarity coupled with pristine condition. I mean would you want to pay top dollar for say a rare 455SD trans am that only had one flaw, a jeggs 350 under the hood?
Well, because I was expecting an aristocrat adjustable (for a steal of a price, I know), but instead received a superadjustable that has been modified with what could be gold spray paint for all I know. I haven't attempted to take it apart to see if I can scrape down to the most likely original black handle in an inconspicuous area. The picture was of a slim adjustable, so there are at least two things wrong with this transaction.
Consider yourself lucky. Someone just paid almost $300 for a razor like that from cedarfurnitureman.
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hmmm... two of these popping up in just a couple of days... how weird is that????

I wonder if cedar purchased some of these from the same seller. I had contacted the seller about the quantity of identical listings he had, wondering if he made some mistake, he explained that he did indeed have many of them. I can no longer see the ones that had an identical picture to mine. I know I saw them, but now all I see are pictures of diff razors, one of which is the long handled one. Other people were receiving theirs long before me. I believe there was enough time for cedar to receive it and relist it.
I wonder if cedar purchased some of these from the same seller. I had contacted the seller about the quantity of identical listings he had, wondering if he made some mistake, he explained that he did indeed have many of them. I can no longer see the ones that had an identical picture to mine. I know I saw them, but now all I see are pictures of diff razors, one of which is the long handled one. Other people were receiving theirs long before me. I believe there was enough time for cedar to receive it and relist it.

hell, for $20, I'd LOVE one! (and I wouldn't even try to make a 1500% profit on it!)
Someone here must be aware of cedar's alternate ID. Is the feedback private on it? The buyer of the long handled one has private feedback, and the hidden ID thing is turning the userID into c***c.

edit: nevermind. I see the ID in the seller's feedback left. pharmacytech bought several razors.
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I wonder if cedar purchased some of these from the same seller. I had contacted the seller about the quantity of identical listings he had, wondering if he made some mistake, he explained that he did indeed have many of them. I can no longer see the ones that had an identical picture to mine. I know I saw them, but now all I see are pictures of diff razors, one of which is the long handled one. Other people were receiving theirs long before me. I believe there was enough time for cedar to receive it and relist it.

If you read the whole listing she says these came from one collector who got his razors from his brother who worked at Gillette. She also states these are not replated.

Most of their razors come from collectors. They also sell razors on consignment.

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If you read the whole listing she says these came from one collector who got his razors from his brother who worked at Gillette. She also states these are not replated.

Most of their razors come from collectors. They also sell razors on consignment.


I just read the whole listing and none of that is in there. :confused1
Not so. The razor he has currently for sale says this, but the one linked to that ended does not contain that info. Also, another razor ending a day after it http://cgi.ebay.com/30s-Gold-Gillet...emQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item414bbbba1d does not contain that blurb either. Both of those razors were for sale by the seller I purchased mine from, and both were purchased by the same buyer.


edit: I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with flipping razors. I am merely offering an explanation as to why there suddenly seem to be so many of these 'rare' razors showing up - that it's the same razors showing up multiple times.
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