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Gold Dollar Competition, 2013


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
The time is here again, folks! Time to once again help China's struggling economy by ordering Gold Dollar razors by the pound.

Yes, it's the Pimp My Gold Dollar competition, round Deux.

The rules are simple. Part 1, You just need to get hold of a stock Gold Dollar razor, any model, and "pimp" it with bling. Make it look "fly" ect. etc. :wink2: Do what you can to that thing to make people actually want it.

Part 2, you have to hone the razor yourself and then shave with it. We don't want you building shelf princesses here, your razor needs to function as well as look cool.

No old projects are to be entered. You guys that have done them before are welcome to enter, but you have to make a new one. Consider the others practice for this masterpiece.

If you have the time and energy you may enter more than one razor.

And this time around our judge will be the magician himself, Mycarver! Those of you who were around for the last competition will remember Mycarver hitting the ball so far out of the field with his themed seven say set that the rest of us were just left gaping, wide eyed, amazed, and totally defeated. For those who don't remember our thrashing, check out the first round here. (You will also see a bunch of other awesome razors that would make any owner proud, and prove once and for all that the humble GD can, and will, turn into a very worthwhile razor with a bit of TLC.)

Mycarver has done you another favour by providing this thread to help you get started, so check that out while you wait for your raw material to arrive.

As always the prize will be a sense of satisfaction at a job well done. But... we also have an extra little incentive, kindly provided by the B&B team. A genuine, official B&B coffee mug will be awarded to the owner/builder of the bestest 2013 Gold Dollar. Just think of the daily sense of smugness you will get, sipping your morning cup of coffee from that badboy, and remembering how you left all those chumps in the dust. Money can't buy that!


I'll keep the competition open a little longer than normal, six weeks from now, to allow for the postage time if guys have to order their razor from overseas. That will be March 19th, USA time.

Warning! Using power tools on a straight razor blade can be very dangerous! DO NOT attempt to grind or reshape your blade for this competition unless you have experience and ALL the appropriate safety equipment in place. I don't want anyone hurting themselves over a $4 razor and a coffee mug.
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I hope this is the right place to enter, am I really the first?

In other competitions, I noticed that entry was often done by posting a completed item. I also noticed that some folks say they won't join and then might change their minds as the deadline approaches. Letting everyone know the contest is getting attention should be good, though. I'm completely maxed out for the next couple of weeks but will probably do something after I get back from my next trip.
Awwww yeah!

This is good timing, I've sold or given away all my shave ready Gold Dollar's and haven't used one for a while, time to fix one up.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
I hope this is the right place to enter, am I really the first?

Yep, just start working on your entry and when you get it done take a shot and post it in this thread. If you get one done before time feel free to start working on another. You can enter as many times as you like.
Well, I have a few GD's on the way (ordered before the competition post). I have never used a straight nor do I know how to hone them. I am a machinist however and I consier myself artistic, whether that will translate to a nice blade I'm not sure. The one thing I do know is that if I enter and try to shave with it, I will most likely be in pain for my extreme lack of experience. Oh well, gotta give it a shot!
Well, I have a few GD's on the way (ordered before the competition post). I have never used a straight nor do I know how to hone them. I am a machinist however and I consier myself artistic, whether that will translate to a nice blade I'm not sure. The one thing I do know is that if I enter and try to shave with it, I will most likely be in pain for my extreme lack of experience. Oh well, gotta give it a shot!

When I first started, I felt my knowledge of working with metal should help. It did but, quite frankly, just about anyone can figure out how to work with them. However, there are some on here (Mycarver for instance) who make me blush in embarrassment and hesitate to claim that I know anything at all. The point is that I think it is fun to throw your hat in the ring and see what you can make.
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Would love to join in but I don't have the skills to create a lovely GD. Maybe in the far future I will.

Good luck to all.
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