So after taking a trip to Costco last weekend and seeing the prices on the Fusion replacement cartridges, I decided to look for a different razor all together. I came across this awesome forum and started reading about the DE razors and became VERY interested. I just joined today and already I have placed an order for the Edwin Jagger DE89 from I read all your guys' reviews of this razor and it seemed like the best buy out there. I've always been interested in cutthroat and DE razors and remember being a kid in Thailand and getting my sideburns and neck trimmed with a straight razor every time I got my haircut. That is one thing I really miss is not many barber shops do that around here. I was also interested to learn a lot of people thought the best blades for DE razors are the Gillette Super Thins from Thailand. Made me smile a little bit to see you guys like products made in my home country. Any way, I'm really excited about trying this classic shaving method and saying to hell with those overpriced razors that don't even give good shaves anyway. I hope to learn a lot from you guys and join the club and I'm sure this will become more than just a grooming routine and become a hobby as well.