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Godrej shaving cream- Rich Foam

When I'm in the mood for a truly "old fashioned" shave, the little Godrej Round puck fits the bill. No frills but fantastic little latherer and just works. The fact that this little thing works better than some of the UK soaps should make the bigger guys feel ashamed.
Godrej is one of the better "value" creams around. It doesn't get much play here, because it's not English made with some sort of coat of arms on the package and a bunch of royal warrants-IE it has ZERO snob appeal. I'd tried creams from each of the 3 T's and Godrej beats them in every way, shape and form other than scent.

If you're not hung up on shaving with something with some fancy scents, skip the creams from the 3T's and just buy some Godrej.



I happen to like some of the fancy English scents, but agree completely about the performance of Godrej. Relatively speaking, it's dirt cheap, and therefore difficult to comprehend that it could be superior, but it is. You'd be hard pressed to find a better performing cream.
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