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Godrej Rich Foam: test lather pics

Greetings lads,

One of my team at work recently returned from the sub-continent with a haul of Godrej and gave me a tube of the Rich Foam variant.

$godrej pack.jpg

$godrej ingredients.jpg
$godrej ingerdients 2.jpg

Pics above are of the tube front and back.

I took the opportunity over the weekend to whip up a test lather - squeezed a generous "almond" into a bowl, squeezed a pre-soaked SR 3824 until fairly dry and worked the lather for about 3 minutes - added water twice, approx, teaspoon each time.

Thoughts on Godrej?

Haven't shaved with it yet but so far it smells ok, a little "rich and spicy and soapy" if that makes sense. The lather felt wonderful between the fingers and whipped up really easy with our soft, soft Melbourne water. The SR made short work of the mix and even though it was a first-up lather I have confidence that I can repeat the results.

Will post more once I have had a shave with it. But so far it looks promising...


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
Good value cream! I've used the Menthol Mist and Rich Foam but I think I use less than the generous amount you put in your bowl.
Yes Nemo, as soon as I started whipping it up I realised I could have used half the amount; the stuff really "blew up" but stayed dense not airy...
Good value cream!

Value? Not hardly. At about $5 per 50ml it's more expensive ounce per ounce (or however you'd like to measure it) than many of the so-called english luxury creams such as Salters or TOBS. My impression with Godrej is this--> Good cream. Not great of particularly noteworthy in any one aspect. Over priced for what it is. For $5 per 50ml there are much better creams out there.
I suppose bargains can be found if you look for them. All the same, I wasn't very impressed with Godrej. Good, not great, nothing stands out about it.
I suppose bargains can be found if you look for them. All the same, I wasn't very impressed with Godrej. Good, not great, nothing stands out about it.

I'm keen to try it out as a shave rather than just a test lather bubble, will post thoughts on the same thread.
I love Godrej. No, it's not the best cream ever, but it especially works will on tough beards and has a great "musky blue" scent.
I think it's a great cream performance-wise. The scent is different; not outstanding but not bad by any means - sort of an old school musky scent, perhaps a bit synthetic. Tons of easy lather, and the lanolin really works well for me and leaves the skin feeling soft.


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
Value? Not hardly. At about $5 per 50ml it's more expensive ounce per ounce (or however you'd like to measure it) than many of the so-called english luxury creams such as Salters or TOBS. My impression with Godrej is this--> Good cream. Not great of particularly noteworthy in any one aspect. Over priced for what it is. For $5 per 50ml there are much better creams out there.

I'll stand by my statement of a good value cream, $2.49 for 70g :001_cool:

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