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I hear you guys speak of glycerin here and there. I picked up a bottle cheap yesterday at the pharmacy.

Exactly what am I using this stuff for again??!

I hear you guys speak of glycerin here and there. I picked up a bottle cheap yesterday at the pharmacy.

Exactly what am I using this stuff for again??!


It's primary use is to create "Uberlather": shaving cream, shaving soap, and glycerin. Glycerin is also added to many aftershaves as a skin care product/ moisturizer.

You can add it to an under-performing soap as well. I am unclear if this makes it lather better, or simply improves upon the slickness.
The ueberlather idea has never interested me, but I add a little glycerin to drugstore witch hazel (1/2-tsp per 12-oz) and have also experimented with adding a few drops to aftershaves that don't already contain it (Aqua Velva does, Clubman does not). For AS I have tried 1:16 and 1:32 mixtures, using 1-teaspoon in 1/3-cup or 1/2-t in 1/3-cu, respectively. I haven't come to any conclusions yet, but that range seems to be roughly what I am looking for.

There's a little more discussion at http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=150093 and http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=167726
I use the drugstore stuff for adding to A/S products. Just one drop per application is all I need.

I also have "M-bomb" from TSD, which is glycerine with menthol added.
It turns any of your creams or soaps into a great, cooling summer product.

Edit: I like your "Buy first, ask questions later" spirit!
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I hear you guys speak of glycerin . . . Exactly what am I using this stuff for again??!


Your purchase today is the first of many, since you will soon suffer from the dreaded "Glycerin Acquisition Disorder" (GAD) . . . :001_rolle

First for the uberlather . . . then to mix with the witch hazel . . . before long you'll be adding it to Aqua Velva . . .

You'll never be able to get enough . . . you will be shopping at drug stores everywhere . . . buying it through the internet . . .

EEEEEE . . . GAD!!!!!!! :tongue_sm
I have never understood this. If the product is not good enough to work on its own, why use it?

Beats me, but there are people who like, and use Modern Williams as well. :001_tt2::001_tt2:

It fits in the same category, it's marginally usable. Boatloads of products are clearly superior to it. Why would someone willing use trash when there are so many other superior products available?
Those of us who like making uberlather do not believe we are using a bad product and trying to make it better. It is that the combo of soap + cream + glycerin makes for a fantastic shave. The result is a lather that is not only rich but is extra lubricating. To me the result is pure synergy! :wink2:
I hear you guys speak of glycerin here and there. I picked up a bottle cheap yesterday at the pharmacy.

Exactly what am I using this stuff for again??!


:lol::lol: Really? You bought this and do not know why. LOL I have never used drug store glycerine but I do love adding to soaps to make a nice slick lather.
I want to try some glycerin in my lather but the only place I have found any is at a whole foods store for over a dollar an ounce. Is this an ok price? I just figured it would be cheaper than that. Either way I have checked May's, Walgreen's, and Walmart around here and had no luck. Anybody in the midwest know of someplace to get it?
I fooled around with a bottle or so of Glycerin. Waste of time for me. Was it a little slicker? Was it a silver bullet? Not even close. I don't mess with the stuff anymore - not worth the trouble. For me it was one of the most overrated "you got to try this" things I've tried.
I fooled around with a bottle or so of Glycerin. Waste of time for me. Was it a little slicker? Was it a silver bullet? Not even close. I don't mess with the stuff anymore - not worth the trouble. For me it was one of the most overrated "you got to try this" things I've tried.

Now you tell me.

Glycerine is typically in first aid as it is a skin protectant. Ask the pharmicist for some help. I think I paid about $4 for an 8 oz bottle. I don't use it much as it didn't help my shaves.

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