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Global use

Would I be right in assuming that the majority of men in Asia, Africa and the middle east continue to use DE razors?

I know that as these continents become richer there will be a tendency to mimic the west and adopt cartridges but, unlike in the West, I assume DE isn't yet a minority sport.
Would I be right in assuming that the majority of men in Asia, Africa and the middle east continue to use DE razors?

I know that as these continents become richer there will be a tendency to mimic the west and adopt cartridges but, unlike in the West, I assume DE isn't yet a minority sport.

That's my understanding too. Recently Gillette launched a single blade cartridge in India as a stepping stone towards multi blade cartridges. The main issue in these countries is the cost. As these countries grow more affluent and, regrettably, more westernised expect Gillette to start marketing shaving systems to the young men of the country.

It will be interesting to watch!
It would be shame if the market for DE contracts significantly over the next one or two decades. Whilst I'm still learning it's evident to me that DE shaving is a significantly more pleasurable activity than using a cartridge
I just had a chat with some of my coworkers from India and Pakistan. Here's what I gleaned.

There seem to be two factors that have the biggest impact on shaving habits: the person's age, and whether they live in a city. In both countries, people who live in large cities tend to use the same Gillette products that are popular in the west, likely a result of advertising and disposable income. So they're familiar with Mach3, Fusion, et al. As you travel out of the cities, or inquire of the habits of older men, you find more common use of the double-edge razor. And as likely as not, these are vintage Gillettes that have been retained over the years.

In Pakistan, men in small villages commonly patronize the local barber, where they can get a shower, haircut, massage, shave, tea, catch up on news, and socialize. Something of a community activity. A couple visits per week might be typical.

But whether in the city or village, a barber is not hard to find, because there are really no restrictions on anyone setting up shop.

= = = = =

Two coworkers who are recent immigrants from mainland China say that "at least 80% of all men" there, regardless of age or location, use electric razors. Younger men in the cities tend to like more sophisticated gadgets with extra features, but its still electric. They say the latest Gillette products are available in the stores, but they cost the same as in the West, so very few people can afford them. They point out that Chinese men have light beard growth, so the occasional use of an electric is adequate.
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Thanks Alan, it's good to get it from the horses mouth so to speak. I hadn't thought about the whole urban v rural divide but the tide is clearly with disposables. China is very surprising. I didn't think oriental man had much haut growth so perhaps an electric is a better option if one doesn't need to shave that often
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