I have a 1932 patent Fat Handle Tech that is clearly marked "made in Canada". I have a Long Comb NEW marked "made in Canada" as well. Does anyone know what other models were definitely manufactured in the Canadian plants? My reason for asking is to get to the bottom of the X1 Super Speed (Rocket?) question. Achim has stated that he has seen many of these TTO models in the red "Rocket" cases that are obviously 40's style SS's but are not marked with a country of origin or pat nos on pkg. I have one of these with the Gillette logo and the date code but nothing else engraved on it. I bought it at an antiques store in Canada and every detail about it is 40's Super Speed, not Rocket. Where these made in the U.S. and sold in Canada or did Gillette make them in Canada and sell them in Rocket cases even though they aren't Rockets? It is not a British Rocket either.