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Gillette Super thin Mejoradas

Hello. I have done some searching on these and found Some mixed reviews on them in a pif thread. The wife saw them in a "package" store here (garis) and said they were 25 packs (I'm assuming 5 blades each) for 200 pesos. Not too bad if they are good blades. Just wondering what the consensus is on these for those that might have tried them. Thanks.

Damn, I already managed to post in the wrong area. My apology to the mods.
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Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
I was in on that PIF thread of Brazilian blades and remember that they were nice blades, yes. Thanks to IronHammer.

Welcome to B&B.
Hay que investigar si las hacen ahora / las ultimas que compre fue en los 70 s
hechas en mexico
se consigue dorco 300 frescas en 15.00x10 hojas
Ah, gracias Platon. Dorco es bueno?
dorco300 de korea salen buenas pero hay mucha copia en mexico el 90 % son falsas
leo que las gillette rojas nuevas deben ser hecho en brazil no en mexico/se me hacen caras
aqui en pachuca se encuentran dorco en la tienda el pato del centro que habre incluso los domingos
tiene varias cosas original de korea
Gracias Platon.

Thank you rxonmymind. Platon said he got some and they were made in mexico in the 70's, old and corroded. Just as he said you have to watch as the majority are pirated, I will check these out to see if they are brazil.
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