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Gillette Slim Adjustable question

So I have a the above razor, and I've tried scraping my face with it, but I found it very aggressive, much more so than a setting of 5 seems like it should deliver. I tried dialing it back, but the shave felt the same. So I started examining the razor, and I can't find any appreciable difference between a setting of 1 and 9 from any of the moving bits. So my question is over what the dial actually does; does it increase/decrease the tension on the blade, adjust the "openess" of the razor, etc? Thanks.
It is possible that the adjuster plate is stuck. The adjuster plate is located immediately above the adjuster knob and is made up of a collar which transitions into a plate which has four long tabs which extend into the blade carriage area, two on each side of the center blade positioning bar. With the silo doors open and the setting on "1" you should be able to easily move the entire plate up and down with your fingers. It should be extremely loose. If there is no play it is because you most likely have gunk clogging up the area between the blade carriage and the adjuster plate. The ideal way to clean that out is to use an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner. You may also be able to get some of it out by soaking in very hot, but not boiling water and working at it with a pipe cleaner or even a water pic.

If you can verify that this is the issue I can assist you further. If not then I'll see what else I can think of to help.
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I think you've diagnosed the problem, Guido. Cleaning under the carriage seemed to help quite a bit. I see clean motion now.
I think you've diagnosed the problem, Guido. Cleaning under the carriage seemed to help quite a bit. I see clean motion now.

Great! Squirt some scrubbing bubbles or other soap scum cleaner into that area and fill a glass up with enough of it to cover the head and, with the doors open, place it into the cup head first. Let it soak for at least a half hour and then without rinsing it off hold the razor head up and work the adjuster plate up and down working the scum cleaner into the mechanism. Then place back into "scum cleaner juice" again and soak some more. You can repeat this again. Finally, rinse it thoroughly with hot running water alternated with working the plate until you feel it is nice and loose.

Without actually having an ultrasonic cleaner on hand I would say that should work second best.
Also, just to verify...are you loosening the doors prior to adjusting the settings, then tightening it back down? Make sure you loosen it, otherwise...you get what you describe.
Sounds like you've got it sorted out .

See my sig below.

This should give you some idea of if the adjuster is adjusting in the same sort of range as my slim..............
I'm surprised no one mentioned the last quarter turn...so I will:

Make sure you are giving the knob one last crank to tighten it all the way. About 1/4 turn once the doors come down.
Thanks for the advice everyone. Bubble cleaner and a good soaking seem to having things moving nicely now. I'll try sticking a blade in and report back.
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