A modern Gillette DE and shaving brush.
Jul 26, 2009 #4 beyboo spinyeel said: At a guess I'd say an Indian market or convenience store. Click to expand... You win a cookie These are synthetic brushes and thats the Permasharp blade. The Gillette Sterling razor is packaged and sold with the Super Platinum black blade... In between is a dreaded, green, slimy ooze of the lake monster !!
spinyeel said: At a guess I'd say an Indian market or convenience store. Click to expand... You win a cookie These are synthetic brushes and thats the Permasharp blade. The Gillette Sterling razor is packaged and sold with the Super Platinum black blade... In between is a dreaded, green, slimy ooze of the lake monster !!
Jul 26, 2009 #7 Luc "To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question". Staff member How much do they go for?
Jul 26, 2009 #8 Straight Arrow I have one of those brushes and truth be told, for me at least, it was a very unsatisfying experience.
I have one of those brushes and truth be told, for me at least, it was a very unsatisfying experience.
Jul 26, 2009 Thread starter #9 R rainman Luc said: How much do they go for? Click to expand... Not sure if you can buy them from the site I found this picture on: http://www.indiagiftcenter.com/gillettenew.html TSD has that razor for $5.00.
Luc said: How much do they go for? Click to expand... Not sure if you can buy them from the site I found this picture on: http://www.indiagiftcenter.com/gillettenew.html TSD has that razor for $5.00.