This might be a loaded question but i am going to ask any way.
Are fat boy razors worth paying extra money for. It seems that the cheapest fat boy on ebay is like $50.00, and a slim adjustable is half that price. I know that some people are in love with one or the other. But is there a neutral opinion out there. if it is a superior razor then i think that i would get one. But i could get a slim and Super Speed for the price of one fat boy. I am new to vintage razors so i hope this question makes sense to some one.
Are fat boy razors worth paying extra money for. It seems that the cheapest fat boy on ebay is like $50.00, and a slim adjustable is half that price. I know that some people are in love with one or the other. But is there a neutral opinion out there. if it is a superior razor then i think that i would get one. But i could get a slim and Super Speed for the price of one fat boy. I am new to vintage razors so i hope this question makes sense to some one.