I came across a Gillette timeline while considering my answer to this thread. Of interest was another fact sheet that, along with some quick math, illustrate an interesting belief held at Gillette right now.
So, in one year, the average man will use 5.75 blades (ackowledge that's not possible, but stick with me here), meaning he changes blades every 9 weeks.
Gillette intends one of two things:
a) You use one Fusion Proglide cartridge for 41 shaves!
b) You up that average $23.00 per year spent on blades.
I'm near the end of a 100 pack of Red Personnas that I got from West Coast Shaving in 2008 and I use one blade for 4 shaves, 2 on each edge of the DE blade. Six months of that time was on deployment, where I shaved much less than 4.6 times per week.
Given what is expected of me, I really don't know what to do with my free Fusion Proglide that I got in the mail!
Unless I made a math error, this could be a case where YMM not V.
At Target and Amazon, a 4 pack of Gillette Fusion Proglide blades is $15.99.Men's Shaving Facts said: On average, men in the U.S. shave 4.6 times/week.
Men spend, on average, $23.00 for blades and razors per year.
So, in one year, the average man will use 5.75 blades (ackowledge that's not possible, but stick with me here), meaning he changes blades every 9 weeks.
Gillette intends one of two things:
a) You use one Fusion Proglide cartridge for 41 shaves!
b) You up that average $23.00 per year spent on blades.
I'm near the end of a 100 pack of Red Personnas that I got from West Coast Shaving in 2008 and I use one blade for 4 shaves, 2 on each edge of the DE blade. Six months of that time was on deployment, where I shaved much less than 4.6 times per week.
Given what is expected of me, I really don't know what to do with my free Fusion Proglide that I got in the mail!
Unless I made a math error, this could be a case where YMM not V.