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Gillette brown tip

I had always heard rumors of the browntip, well here is one I found. I thought it was a blacktip that had lost its color, but the handle is different


My elbows leak
Staff member
I think that's a black tip that someone boiled in CLR or something.. It's a 40's style Superspeed.

The rumored "Tan Tip" is a 50's style, same style as the Red Tip, Blue Tip and Standard Flare tip in the Maroon, Blue and Tan plastic cases.
I don't know what this super speed is, the black tip handle looks different as seen in the pictures I borrowed from Achim
Intriguing find Mike, is the tip plastic? What about the handle material, aluminum, steel or brass? (My understanding is that the black tips that don't have aluminum handles have steel, if this is brass as I suspect it might be, that should set it apart from the black tip AFAIK).

Definitely looks brown on my monitor, but I've no idea if a black tip could be treated and end up looking like this.
Here's a pic of my aluminum handled black tip from '51. As you can see, it looks like Achim's. I'm pretty sure from the looks of your find it's not aluminum. If not, try a magnet to it. If it's non magnetic and not light like aluminum, it's brass I'd guess. Does it have a date code?

I don't know what this super speed is, the black tip handle looks different as seen in the pictures I borrowed from Achim

The razor in the OP looks like the 1951 Black tip in the left in the pictures from Achim's site. The razor on the right in the picture from his site is from 1952.
It is a steel handled black tip with a faded plastic knob. That's all. I have seen two or three others almost exactly like it.
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