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Gillete Minora - 3 blades for 80 cents

Is that expensive ?
I'm not going to ask if good or bad blade ... I already know the "YMMV" answer (And trust me, i will try them since it's one of the only brands of blades i can find here)
But is that too much ? Is that cheap ?

I know by a mile that it's cheaper than disposable razors
Just wondering =D
Is that cheap ?

It is cheap if the blade appeals to you. Once you have tried them and want to buy more, you may find that they are available in larger packages which would normally reduce the cost considerably.
Here is a pic of the box just because the ones i've seen in the internet are not the same exact box
In the back it says that are made in Brazil.

If maybe one of you have seen it or tried them ... let us know

Edit: Sorry for the pic, my cell is for calls, not for pics, it's kinda like taking a pic with a potatoe !!!


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Aha, this is not the version of Minora that I have tried. I've only tried the pink box version which is made in Russia. I've heard of these, but I believe they are almost impossible to find outside South America. I don't think I've ever heard a review. Give them a try, you never know. You might have the next great unknown blade right there.
I will post a review on them after my last shave with the Astra i'm rocking at the moment (3 shaves out of 5 i'm going to try)
And maybe in the future I can PIF a few of this so someone else can test them =D
It is made in Brazil but for sure is not sold here.

Probably the same GILLETTE AZUL AÇO INOX (blue stainless steel) that we can buy here in another package. Along with WILKINSON SWORD also made in Brazil at Manaus plant by Gillette / Procter & Gamble.
It's a bit on the expensive side as I've seen blades like astra etc go for $4 for a 100 but it's nothing outrageous. Feather's and other more known brands regularily retail for more.

Plus, like someone said for such a small quantity it's fine.

Not only cheaper than disposable/carts but also drug stores in general. Think of my surprise when I saw *** wilk. sword DE blades at Shopper's Drug Mart for $14/10!
I shaved with it today and want to share my impresions

So far I have shaved with 2 blades in my life: Astra and this Minora blade.

This Minora blade performed great, sharp but not aggressive, mild on my neck comparing to the Astra (Even tho the Astra Don't irritate me but it got me a lil feeling lol that it was a lil too aggressive) ... The technique i'm using is pretty much the same, same razor, same soap, same NOT THAT AMAZING lather (Need to keep working on that), same everything BUT the blade so i think it's the blade.

It's nice to know that this blade is going to be a good one after i run out of the ones that tfinch PIF'd me.
As you say here YMMV but for me ... good blade so far ... after i do my 5 shaves with this one I will try another one.

Thank you all for posting here and reading this.
Big hug to all of you
If the blades are comparable to Astras (which are regarded as a pretty decent blade from what I gather) I'd be willing to front the funds to send a brick of 100 to the blade exchange, if you can find a brick of 100. I know it's a little more than the blade exchange normally handles, but if they're willing I think it would be a lot easier and not to mention cheaper than airmailing a bunch of small packs and make a wider dissemination possible.
I'm really horrible at keeping track of threads I comment in, but if you can find the bricks of 100 shoot me a PM and we'll see if we can't make this happen.
I will look into this but i think there is No such thing as a 100 pack of Minoras, NEVER SEEN IT BEFORE ...
Gonna look for it and if find it ... i will PM you about it.

Please remember ... YMMV so i'm not saying this blade is better than ... i'm saying how it worked for me.
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