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GFT Skin Food

I finally got to try this (thanks, Charles) and was quite impressed. I had the Extract of Limes version, shook it, and applied a little to my face. I immediately thought I'd used too much, but it soon soaked in and left my skin feeling great. The lime gave it a nice zing. This stuff is quite unique!
I finally got to try this (thanks, Charles) and was quite impressed. I had the Extract of Limes version, shook it, and applied a little to my face. I immediately thought I'd used too much, but it soon soaked in and left my skin feeling great. The lime gave it a nice zing. This stuff is quite unique!

How does it compare to, say, good old Cornhuskers?
I'd never use Cornhuskers on my face. Trumper's feels a tad greasy at first, but that quickly dissipates leaving a silky feel. Skin Food comes in sandalwood, limes, and coral (rose) and comes in 100, 150 and 500ml bottles.
So did the "zing" came from the citric acid in the lime oil? I'd be curious if anyone who has used both the Limes and the Coral could comment on how they might compare, especially for someone who is sensitive to citrus oils, and especially lime?

I checked the ingredients and there is no lime oil listed. It has "citral" and limonene near the bottom of the list.
GFT SF is a great sealer. I've been using it for months with great success. I usually combine it in my aftershave routine with an alcohol based splash first as an astringent. The limes scent of GFT dissipates quickly, and the scent of the alcohol splash lingers afterwards.
I'm not sensitive to citrus oils but I didn't get a "zing" from any of the skin foods.


I'm a huge fan of the Sandalwood skinfood fragrance. Funny how C&E Sandalwood, TOBS Sandalwood and GFT Sandalwood all smell different. GFT is the best by far for me.

- Aaron
Actually, its menthol that creates the "zing". Funny....the main ingredient in Limes SF is rose water! The stuff comes in 500ml bottles, so splitting one of theose jugs would be a low-cost way to get the stuff.
Anybody find that the Sandalwood lingers while the Limes dissipates almost immediately? I tried my method with Sandalwood and discovered I had mixing scents going on...
Anybody find that the Sandalwood lingers while the Limes dissipates almost immediately? I tried my method with Sandalwood and discovered I had mixing scents going on...

The sandalwood definitely lasts longer. I had two samples of each and loved the sandalwood. It smells just like their cologne :001_wub:
The sandalwood definitely lasts longer. I had two samples of each and loved the sandalwood. It smells just like their cologne :001_wub:

Ditto. I like the sandalwood a lot, as I am fond of the cologne. The Limes could almost function as an unscented, as its scent disappears so quickly, there's no trace left after just a minute or two. It does smell nice going on, though. Ironically, the Coral lasts the longest on me, scentwise. I find they all function similarly. If there is any lime oil in the Limes scent, it is so minimal as to have no effect on me, and I am sensitive to some (but not all) lime-oil containing shave products.
I received a sample of sandalwood and the lime. After trying both, I bought a 200 ml bottle of the sandalwood. Very nice scent. The lime reminded me too much of sticky popsicles.
Ditto. The Limes could almost function as an unscented, as its scent disappears so quickly, there's no trace left after just a minute or two. It does smell nice going on, though.

This is why I like the stuff...absolutely ZERO chance of messing up your Edt but still seals the face well after an alcohol based AS...

The perfect 1/2 punch
I'm a huge fan of the Coral, and find that the scent sticks around a good while, much like Horatio does. I'll use it with any floral soap or cream as well as any mildly scented soap.
The thing with lime scents is that they tend to disappear quickly no matter what form they're in. My lime soaps, aftershaves, and colognes (tried GFT sample) all disappeared within the first 30 minutes of application (often much less than that)
The skin food does leave my skin feeling totally silky soft though. I really like it. Too bad I'm a California guy and now that I'm in New York, the skin food isn't moisturizing enough for my mega dry skin. I'll still use it, but not as often as I did in California (everyday)
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