Since buying my first straight from B&B member Brooksie967 (a Wiss Best 11/16) I've been cautiously dipping my toe into the straight razor shaving world. I'm only trying it on the weekends so I'm not rushed so I've only got two shaves in. However today's went wayyyy better than the first one. Last weekend I basically bailed after scraping one cheek uncomfortably but luckily not cutting myself or anything. Today I made sure my grip was correct, my angle was as shallow as I could manage, and I used my slickest cream and pre-shave. Definitely went much better. I managed to do a WTG pass for my whole face and then finished up with two more passes with my usual DE. After my first attempt I was really disheartened and thought I might just give it up as it went so poorly. However I've been working on both my stropping and shaving technique and after today's partial success I feel like this thing might fly after all.
i guess that's it. Just wanted to thank all the contributors to this forum for a lot of great advice and pass along some hopeful vibes for any other straight razor noobs who might be feeling down about the whole thing. Keep trying! It'll get better.
i guess that's it. Just wanted to thank all the contributors to this forum for a lot of great advice and pass along some hopeful vibes for any other straight razor noobs who might be feeling down about the whole thing. Keep trying! It'll get better.