I'd like to PIF a replated German razor.
I'll bore you with the long story of this razor. So a few months ago I bought a black Gillette ball end. I thought it was supposed to be black. But in a fit of boredom I broke out the flitz, and I was rewarded with a shiny, not split ball end razor that was immaculate. I had a similar experience with an ABC razor. So I thought I was onto something. Now the saga of my two German razors. I saw two, in boxes that were black, and figured they'd shine up nicely. Well I got them, started working, and got a slightly shinier black razor. I ran them through the tumbler, with no better results. So I figured I'd get them replated, that would fix them. I contacted one of the replaters (I'll withhold the name), he warned me they may or may not turn out, but I decided to try it out anyway. To wrap up the story, the plating and the pot metal didn't play nicely. The gentleman that did the replating offered me a Big Fellow for the trouble, which was massively generous. So thus this PIF of one of the German razors. The teeth are straight, and look great, from a distance the razor looks great, but there are some trouble spots on the cap, and where the handle meets the comb. I'll include the case, a blade holder and some old blades (not sure I'd use them..)
I'll give it to the first person that guesses my favorite Star Wars character (one guess please), to honor (or mourn) the sale of the franchise.

I'd like to PIF a replated German razor.
I'll bore you with the long story of this razor. So a few months ago I bought a black Gillette ball end. I thought it was supposed to be black. But in a fit of boredom I broke out the flitz, and I was rewarded with a shiny, not split ball end razor that was immaculate. I had a similar experience with an ABC razor. So I thought I was onto something. Now the saga of my two German razors. I saw two, in boxes that were black, and figured they'd shine up nicely. Well I got them, started working, and got a slightly shinier black razor. I ran them through the tumbler, with no better results. So I figured I'd get them replated, that would fix them. I contacted one of the replaters (I'll withhold the name), he warned me they may or may not turn out, but I decided to try it out anyway. To wrap up the story, the plating and the pot metal didn't play nicely. The gentleman that did the replating offered me a Big Fellow for the trouble, which was massively generous. So thus this PIF of one of the German razors. The teeth are straight, and look great, from a distance the razor looks great, but there are some trouble spots on the cap, and where the handle meets the comb. I'll include the case, a blade holder and some old blades (not sure I'd use them..)
I'll give it to the first person that guesses my favorite Star Wars character (one guess please), to honor (or mourn) the sale of the franchise.
