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Gerbault DE - Cool!

I recently received this from Erwin and IMO, it's one of the coolest DEs I've seen in a while.

Notice the blade bed. The blade rests between flanges at each end. This also makes the head a little wider than most DEs but I never really sensed anything different while using it. And boy does it shave like a dream! Reminds me a lot of my NEW Deluxe head.
It looks rock solid? How do you find the weighting?

Great looking razor.

It's about the same weight (68g by my analog scale) as my HD Rocket so it's plenty beefy. Proportions are similar, too. The Gerbault is slightly longer. Its oversized handle knob makes it easy to grip.
It's about the same weight (68g by my analog scale) as my HD Rocket so it's plenty beefy. Proportions are similar, too. The Gerbault is slightly longer. Its oversized handle knob makes it easy to grip.

Whoa! Thanks for the pic. Again, nice razor.
Bill, it is absolutely gorgeous. Its lighting up my Eclipse buttons. The blade bed is really a unique design. Enjoy it. Great pics too. Thanks for posting. Darjeeling
Bill, it is absolutely gorgeous. Its lighting up my Eclipse buttons. The blade bed is really a unique design. Enjoy it. Great pics too. Thanks for posting. Darjeeling

Thanks, Joe and I sure hope you snag your Eclipse - another cool razor. I'm surrounded by Gillettes (and love them) but there are certainly other fine DEs out there! Uh oh, I sense a new AD brewing.....:tongue_sm
Bill has been incredibly generous in lending this razor in the Feather American Tour. It has provided me with the closest shave of my life. It reminds me of the Gillette Bulldog, which in my experience is a vicious breed, not to be toyed with. The Gerbault, is a tad less mean and consequently it delivered THE closest shave ever. It was not a smooth experience, but worth it. As I told Bill privately today, I kept bugging my wife, "check this out, kiss my cheek, is that a great shave or what?" She is a good sport, trust me, but she does not share my enthusiasm for the hobby. Can any relate to this last point? (I did get a lot of kisses.) In any event, I'm going to have to shave with my undated SuperSpeed tomorrow, because, even though I will not need to shave, I would not miss that opportunity. Bill, you are a prince. Truly.
It's about the same weight (68g by my analog scale) as my HD Rocket so it's plenty beefy. Proportions are similar, too. The Gerbault is slightly longer. Its oversized handle knob makes it easy to grip.

Wow. It's much bigger than I would have guessed from the photo of it by itself.
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