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Geo F Trumper Eucris Soap - yay or nay?

I like the scent of the Eucris products, however I've been reading conflicting reports about the quality of the soaps. Note the Eucris scent has a slightly different formulation, as it incorporates cocoa butter. I don't mind working a bit harder for the lather as the scent is worth it. I'm hoping it will be serviceable product in my rotation.

Also more generally, anybody with experience with other GFT reformulated soaps?
It's been awhile since I had it, but I seem to recall no issues on the performance side and that the scent was quite close to the cologne.
The scent is dead on with the cologne. Performance wise I find it good. Now I dont know if they fixed it but the first batch had a very heavy(waxy?) layer on top and didnt start lathering well into you got past that skin. Mine performs well and I get fabulous lather from it. No its not the best or as good as other British soaps like Harris but if you love Eucris as much as I do then you will enjoy this soap.
My experience is a bad one! I ordered a bowl of their rose soap only to find the lather very thin and weak. I am using it as a shower soap now! Never again!
As before it appears that the reaction is mixed. I'll place an order for a refill puck and try my luck while holding out hope.

I'll report back when it arrives.
I had problems with it in the beginning. The lather was just not thick or rich. Problem solved by using a #620 badger brush on a dry soap puck.

It is a good soap however for its' price it should lather much easier.

If you don't like it as a shave soap it can be used as a fantastic shower soap.

As for the scent, I'm thinking of getting the cologne and wish they made an aftershave.
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shaved again today with Trumper's Eucris shave soap.
it's a fairly recent puck, acquired new in the past year.
lathered great, super scent, good moisture and slickness, altho not especially thick.
which is fine, since i tend to prefer a little looser lather for straight razor use.
lather lasted well throughout each of two passes.
rinses clean and quickly.
naturally finished off well with the cologne.

$trumper eucris muhle thiers issard.jpg
I use a puck of Eucris (and one of Violet) from Geo. F. Trumper.

I get great slick lather with no issues. Both pucks are a few years old (around 2013), and work wonderfully.

Love the scent.

The first few weeks of use I did hydrate the puck, I now have not been hydrating and they work perfectly.
They may need some hydration when first used, but otherwise they work great.

I do think they have a narrow window of how much water is right, so it may take you a bit of time to zero in.

For the quality of lather I get, it is worth the effort. Also being a hard soap, they will last a long time; thus being cost effective as well.
So what is the deal with the soap. Many, many people say its impossible to get a good lather. Now some are saying its fine.

What gives?


Now half as wise
So what is the deal with the soap. Many, many people say its impossible to get a good lather. Now some are saying its fine.

What gives?

Probably a combination of factors, all of which can affect every soap. Water hardness clearly plays a role. Experience can sometimes be a factor, but maybe the most variable has to do with individual preferences. What may be perfectly good lather/results for one individual may be considered sub par by another.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
I had a bad experience with a Eucris cologne sample. I was very close to taking a belt sander to my wrist to get it off.

Good luck with your soap decision.
Probably a combination of factors, all of which can affect every soap. Water hardness clearly plays a role. Experience can sometimes be a factor, but maybe the most variable has to do with individual preferences. What may be perfectly good lather/results for one individual may be considered sub par by another.

Thank you. Makes sense
No scent like Eucris! I can see where it is quite polarizing. Not wholly turned off by its strange meat + masculinity schtick per se, but find its amplitude absolutely astounding; if I'm in a room with some of it it is like that's all I can smell! When we first carried Trumpers products we had Eucris in a few formats, it took over the smell of the then-600-sq-ft office, to the point we'd had to keep in airtight containers, still felt like I could smell it. I believe it to be the most powerful odor I've ever encountered in shavingdom.

U can watch a video of me soldiering on through with various Trumpers formulations' soaps just to prove it can be done. The old formula's supposed to be astoundingly better? Could've fooled me; honestly wouldn't have even known which was which if it wasn't pointed out to me, both just seemed to smell amazing and be really tough nuts to crack. Never had the pleasure of a tallow Trumpers soap, maybe those were worlds apart.

They don't smell nearly as good/strong, but there's lots of stuff cheap as chips that can run circles 'round Trumpers hard soap(said with equal disdain no matter the first ingredient). About 30yrs ago some scientists used parabolic reflectors to grow a few strawberries 'outside' in Antarctica just to prove it possible. With all the great latherstuffs out there, unless the Trumper's odor is the sole driver of your decision, why volunteer to fight uphill? Don't know, and yet people buy them, again and again in fact.
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