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general SR guidance for newbie

So I recently tried my shavette again (dovo with the red insert, for full disclosure) and had a much better time than my first go round. I think my increased attention with a DE and the shaving angle has made a difference.

So I would like to get into a real SR, as I believe it will shave much differently (ie better) than the shavette. Since there are so many sizes and shapes, is there a general guideline for someone starting? The rounded end seems less prone to catching on stuff like my nose than the pointy ones, but maybe I just don't know what I don't know. Is a 5/8 better than a 7/8 or vice versa? Should I be looking for hollow ground? Full hollow? Even Extra hollow?

As you can see, I have read enough to know some of the terminology, but not how to apply it. I humbly submit myself for your guidance. Thanks in advance!
There are no rules - but a few points to consider.

Spikes can bite - they're harder to learn on but it can be done. Round toe blades are less prone to whacking earlobes and other nubbins and protrusions for the most part.

Over 6/8 - the blade will hide a lot of real estate on your face, making it more difficult to see. Under 5/8 the blade will be very light and possibly harder to control.

Full hollows can flex, extra full will flex a bit more. 1/2 hollows don't flex and still give a bit of feedback. 3/4 hollow can flex a teensy bit, and give more feedback than a 1/2 hollow.
Wedges are silent but heavier.

Whatever the grind chosen - a well honed edge is the main critical concern.
Using the Whipped Dog razor will let you determine your own preferences. After you've learned the basic technique (this takes around a dozen shaves), you'll know better what to try next. A round point can be helpful, but is not necessary. You may find that a square point is easier under the nose. Just use whatever Larry sends, and focus on your technique.

I recommend getting the poor man's strop kit, too. That will let you keep the razor sharp until you're ready to buy another type of blade.
It's a long drop down the rabbit hole...

My preference is a 13/16 full hollow square... I like the weight, size and feel. None are really better, however it boils down to comfort/sharpness of the edge and aesthetics.

Lots like a 4/8s for maneuverability/agility, others like the rareness of a 9/8s..

Having used a straight for 2 years, I can't yet tell which shaves better, a quarter hollow or half hollow. An edge is an edge.

I dislike gold on blades strictly for reasons of maintenance.

I think a dovo best is a great starter razor, a step up from that might be a hart or to super gnome. I say maybe because the dovo is good.

Beginners seem to like round

First off too,get a cheap strop and go easy... make sure your edge is really shave ready... first couple outings will be not that great. It gets better though.. maybe get 2 straights, one to use after 10 attempts...
As a relative newby I thought I'd add my $0.02. A 6/8 round toe is a good starting place. Nice size, reasonable heft without being too big. Round toe should keep you from nicking yourself when you're not paying full attention to where the blade is and its angle relative to your face.

The best part is that if you buy one as a "starter" razor you could still be using it 10 years from now.

Hope this helps and good luck!
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