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Gem Micromatic: Before I Shave With It

Hello gents,

I have had this Gem Micro for a couple of weeks now and haven't yet pulled the trigger on using it over my Gillette Slim (adjustable). I have not a romance with but a love of . . . the slim model and I can't get myself to shave with the others yet. I'm afraid of this Gem though. I have a razor that isn't single sided in it and brought it into the "den" along side the slim. I intended to use it on my first pass but the shakes kept me from my goal.
Please help to put my mind at ease with some sort of rallying cry.:scared:

Do your useual shave pep,and relax as there is nothing to it and take short strokes and let the razor do the work, but remember no pressure and all will be good.
Not sure what you mean by 'I have a razor that isn't single sided in it'.
I know someone, not sure who, made reversible blades at some point, I assume that is what you have, that would make it NOS or just old though - I would recommend getting a known good blade in it for a first shave, eg. Gem stainless coated.
You should have the pressure thing ok, the angle is different but not hard to find, head nearly flat on the face back just lifted until you can hear/feel it cutting. I use a bullet tip and an open comb but didn't get on so well with the clog proof, probably just the one I had.
Have fun, :biggrin1:
Edit: got my blades mixed up Chinese Schick are of course for injectors :blushing:.
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Make sure you have the correct blade and that the blade stops are in working order. I am a fan of the OCMM. They are very nice razors. The angle will be different from what you're used to, but it's easy to find the sweet spot that will make the blade sing to you as you shave. Good luck!
I was the same way. I love my slim but after read a lot about the Gem's and getting one in a lot with some other items, i pulled the trigger. I love my Gem 1912. I get a very very smooth shave, no cuts and with a light touch the feed sound is wonderful. Give it a try. I have not gone back yet.
Which MM version do you have? The open comb (OCMM), closed comb (CCMM?), or the Clog-pruf. Each shaves a bit differently.
Funny timing! I just had my first shave with my Micromatic OC this morning. I read about it being aggressive but it was a lot milder than I thought. Middle-of-the-road I think. Milder than my usual razor, which is a Cadet with a LORD L6 cap on top of it. Pretty good shave, although not quite as close as usual. But I've been pretty much going WTG and XTG lately.
Funny timing! I just had my first shave with my Micromatic OC this morning. I read about it being aggressive but it was a lot milder than I thought. Middle-of-the-road I think. Milder than my usual razor, which is a Cadet with a LORD L6 cap on top of it. Pretty good shave, although not quite as close as usual. But I've been pretty much going WTG and XTG lately.

Once you figure out the proper angle the closeness will come. I had the same reaction the first time I uses mine but have since figured it out and haven't picked up a DE in about a month. The GEM OCMM will deliver effortless BBS.
I found the MMOC to be easier to use than I thought it would be....The advice to use short strokes and let the weight of the razor do the work is on the mark.
MMOC is what I have and the razor blades I purchased for it are the "everyday" . . . "utility" blades


I don't know the year of manufacture or anything but it's a sweet looking safety razor!
MMOC is what I have and the razor blades I purchased for it are the "everyday" . . . "utility" blades

View attachment 360073

I don't know the year of manufacture or anything but it's a sweet looking safety razor!

Hi, again,
Still not sure which blades you've got. Some of those 'utility' single edge can be awful.
Have a look at http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/292388-Single-edge-blade-guide
it'll give you a good idea of why I'm making a fuss about it. Don't want you put off SE's by a bad blade.
hey guys,
thanks for all of the information and tips! I'm taking the MMOC out for a full go-round tonight. I will post ((my)) thoughts on the Gem MM not long after the shave . . . Klopstick, thanks for that link. I now have 10 blades at the ready.
I actually went to half a dozen Walgreens stores and couldn't find any SE blades. I ended up going to a mom and pop drug store and they ordered the blades for me for $4 (no shipping charges). They're the Treet carbon blades.

If anything, it makes me curious about trying and Injector.

But the fact I can get DE blades for about 10 cents a pop vs 50 cents to a buck a blade does make me lean DE.
if you like SE you can buy a 100 pack at 25c per blade or less. then take into account they usually last twice as long as a DE blade....
Cost is comparable. When the longevity is considered. I find the shave to be better than most DEs I have used (I do like my Gillette NEW however.).
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