I recently picked this one up on Craigslist. The head is stamped GEM Junior. Patented 1900. The case seems original to the razor. Everything fits precisely, and it even has a razor blade sized card that tells the user not to lift the brass guard on the top to load the razor. The question, though, is that the case is a GEM Jr. Damaskeene (see photos below). No mention of Damaskeene anywhere on the razor itself, nor on the blade case. So, questions for the experts:
1) Did GEM make the Damaskeene that early?
2) Were all of the Damaskeene razors stamped as such?
3) Or do I have a mismatched razor & case?
I recently picked this one up on Craigslist. The head is stamped GEM Junior. Patented 1900. The case seems original to the razor. Everything fits precisely, and it even has a razor blade sized card that tells the user not to lift the brass guard on the top to load the razor. The question, though, is that the case is a GEM Jr. Damaskeene (see photos below). No mention of Damaskeene anywhere on the razor itself, nor on the blade case. So, questions for the experts:
1) Did GEM make the Damaskeene that early?
2) Were all of the Damaskeene razors stamped as such?
3) Or do I have a mismatched razor & case?