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Gel and the DE Razor- heretical...or what ?

I've tried cream, shaving soap and my Gillette Fusion Gel.

I think that of the three...the gel might do the best job in prepping my beard for a shave. Didn't use my bowl, brush....just applied a dab to the side of the face in need, whirred the gel around with my fingers on my face and shaved.

Some may say with appropriate disdain...to each his own.

I tried it with my Muhle R 89 DE Razor and Gillette red 7 O'clock blade today....when I was in a hurry and noticed I had missed one side of my face.

After the shave with the Gel...I was surprised...much closer, no whisker burn, no nicks.

I immediately washed of my razor and blade as I always do...no gel gunk attached to razor or blade.

I'm still learning I admit.....have I committed a cardinal sin or do others apply Gillette Gel and then shave with DE ?
I say if it works for you go for it.
Gels are quite good, compared to shave foam, i jus't don't use both of them because i hate to get my hands dirty.
as you say - to each his own..

I shaved for years with gels and multi-blade razors, probably getting no better than a DFS and doing god knows what to my skin with all the chemicals, but it did work for me all those years, so what can I say? Just happy I'm enjoying shaving finally, with my badger, proraso and DE - so if you can enjoy shaving with gel and are getting good results, why should I (or anybody else) knock it and why should you care :001_smile
I'm on the road several days each month, so I tried gels when I traveled and really did not like them. There was just something about gel I did not care for, and I'm not real sure exactly what it was, I just know that I didn't like the stuff. Though I've been a die-hard wet shaver all my adult life, I now use small cans of foamy shaving cream when I travel.
If it's working for you be happy. When I am in a extreme hurry I have been known to reach in the shower and grab my wifes shaving gel, which for me does not work as good as my chosen shaving soap but it is alright.
The question isn't whether you can get ONE good shave out of a product, but whether it'll give you the protection and skin care you need using it every day.
The question isn't whether you can get ONE good shave out of a product, but whether it'll give you the protection and skin care you need using it every day.

That's an excellent point. That I don't know re; protection and skin care.

I usually use Proraso shaving soap (green puck) or Creamo creme.....not sure about their long term effect either.

It's something I haven't thought about a lot, but now that you have mentioned it, I do think it is something to consider.

I've thought about bringing my shaving soap, cream , gel to my Dermatologist so he can have a gander at the ingredients and possibly make some suggestions re; what he would recommend for my skin.
We'll still keep you around! :001_smile Try the gel for a bit, if it works better, use that! Then you can get a good karma boost by PIFing your soaps/ creams!
I could never get over the sliminess of gels so in my cart days I used Foamy (which is another whole story). If I had to choose I'd rather use a cart with a quality face lathered cream than a DE with a gel or goo. However, the YMMV reigns supreme on these boards.
Well, after using Gel for just a few days, I've realized why Gel I'm using isn't that great for a Double Edged Razor. The gel shave is ok, but I've noticed gel residue accumulates on the blade, after just a few days.

Gel didn't accumulate on my Sensor 111's cartridges. I washed out...with warm-hot water after each shave the same way with boy razor systems...so I'm at a loss, must be the design of the DE shaver.

So far neither cream or shaving soap has accumulated on my razor blades.
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