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fusing two bars of soap to combine scents...tips?

I'm really digging some of the scented brands I'm using right now, and have tested mixing scents by lathering each hand individually, then washing. For the ones that do blend well, I'd love to try cutting bars down to size and fusing them together so I don't have to mix and match the same way in the shower.

Is there any method to doing this without completely melting the bars? Not sure if anyone has tried this...


I imagine you could do like a shave soap - shred it with a cheese grater (The finer the better I imagine). Put the shavings from both soaps in some kind of container and mix them around real good. Then press them into the shape you want.


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+1 on the cheese grater.

If you don't want/can't melt the soaps, grate them!
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