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funny shaving stories?

I had a terrible experience being shaved, and thought maybe we could all get a good laugh batting a few funny stories around….

As part of the application process for the local PD, I had to have a very thorough physical. One portion of it included a 12-node EKG heart monitor test with me running on a treadmill. Being a hairy guy, the tech informed me that she’d have to shave off some of the hair. I got all excited when she pulled out a DE razor from her drawer, fresh blade and everything. That excitement was short lived however, because she used the DE on my chest with no lubrication or preparation whatsoever! I had a totally dry chest shave, no cream, soap, water, or anything. I wouldn’t recommend it. And just to add insult to injury, she sandpapered and then rubbed alcohol on my chest to “remove dead skin and prepare the surface for the nodes.” Ouch.

On the bright side, now that I’m through the recovery stage, my chest skin is exfoliated and glows like never before.::thumbup:

Any other funny shaving stories?
That actually sounds more painful than funny. I think the funny shave stories are few and far between, as you are wielding a sharp object!:biggrin1:
I had a terrible experience being shaved, and thought maybe we could all get a good laugh batting a few funny stories around….

As part of the application process for the local PD, I had to have a very thorough physical. One portion of it included a 12-node EKG heart monitor test with me running on a treadmill. Being a hairy guy, the tech informed me that she’d have to shave off some of the hair. I got all excited when she pulled out a DE razor from her drawer, fresh blade and everything. That excitement was short lived however, because she used the DE on my chest with no lubrication or preparation whatsoever! I had a totally dry chest shave, no cream, soap, water, or anything. I wouldn’t recommend it. And just to add insult to injury, she sandpapered and then rubbed alcohol on my chest to “remove dead skin and prepare the surface for the nodes.” Ouch.

On the bright side, now that I’m through the recovery stage, my chest skin is exfoliated and glows like never before.::thumbup:

Any other funny shaving stories?

I'd rather be waterboarded!!!!!

Back when the Mach3 first came out I got one. One day I was shaving and for some reason my arm got a twitch. Three perfect parallel cuts on my cheek!
I let this motorcylce stripper chick hand cuff me to a chair and shave me one night. My face looked like I got in to a fight with Edwards Scissorhands afterwards........but it was worth it:)
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When my brother-in-law first stared wet shaving he cut his nose with the razor. He actually took a picture with his phone and I swear it looked like he got punched in the nose. Blood poured out of the cut all the way down his chin. It was quite a laugh. I then introduced him to a styptic pencil.
I let this motorcylce stripper chick hand cuff me to a chair and shave me one night. My face looked like I got in to a fight with Edwards Scissorhands afterwards........but it was worth it:)

Whoa!!!! That's brave...and kinda excitin' at the same time. :lol:
I'd rather be waterboarded!!!!!

Back when the Mach3 first came out I got one. One day I was shaving and for some reason my arm got a twitch. Three perfect parallel cuts on my cheek!

I've had one of these before. My dog came in and jumped on the back of my legs; three cuts into my top lip. I don't think it stopped bleeding for 3 hours!!
I guess the best funny story I can do is that my first wife sometimes would borrow my DE razor to shave her legs. I told her it was ok as long as she told me so I could change the blade before I used it. In reality she never told me she used it before I scraped my face a stroke or two the next day, she always forgot, so when I figured it was about time for her to shave her legs again I started taking the blade out and putting it in the cabinet when I was through. I kept watching for her to shave her legs, peeking into the bathroom everytime she ran the tub. Finally she was shaving and if I could have not laughed I think she would have "shaved" both legs without a blade.

It was funny at the time. Here is how it went:

"I see you are shaving."
"yep, you can change the blade when I am through"
I giggle, "OK"
Straightface, "How is that working for you?"
I giggle, "Great"
I giggle, "I think you missed a spot"
She feels,"I think you are right" and she goes over it again.
I break out laughing
"Just what is up, what is soooo funny?"

I told her. The next thing I knew she had her own disposables.

women can be fun, but you have to work at it,
The only time I've been shaved by another was when I've gotten tattoos. And then they use cheap disposables and that soap stuff that every tattoo parlor uses.

The funniest shaving related story I have happens every time I shave my 18 month old son. In the tub, I scoop up a handful of the bubbles from his bath. He holds really still while I "shave" his face with a plastic toy razor from one of those kits for children. He knows just what to do, which is surprising since he's never seen me shave. It must just be in our genes...
I guess the best funny story I can do is that my first wife sometimes would borrow my DE razor to shave her legs. I told her it was ok as long as she told me so I could change the blade before I used it. In reality she never told me she used it before I scraped my face a stroke or two the next day, she always forgot, so when I figured it was about time for her to shave her legs again I started taking the blade out and putting it in the cabinet when I was through. I kept watching for her to shave her legs, peeking into the bathroom everytime she ran the tub. Finally she was shaving and if I could have not laughed I think she would have "shaved" both legs without a blade.

It was funny at the time. Here is how it went:

"I see you are shaving."
"yep, you can change the blade when I am through"
I giggle, "OK"
Straightface, "How is that working for you?"
I giggle, "Great"
I giggle, "I think you missed a spot"
She feels,"I think you are right" and she goes over it again.
I break out laughing
"Just what is up, what is soooo funny?"

I told her. The next thing I knew she had her own disposables.

women can be fun, but you have to work at it,

My best shaving story actually happened a week after i started. My father is terrified of DE razors because when he was learning he absolutely destroyed his face a few times. Well when I came home from college and set out my kit in the bathroom, he immediately stops talking and begins to stare at my Krona like it is going to jump off the counter and attack him. Then When I wake up the next morning, my Krona and entire kit are gone and there is a new boxed mach 3 with a can of Gillette goo in it's place. I have to hunt for an hour until i find my kit thrown away in a garbage can in the basement. So i bring it out and clean it and use it. My kit starts disappearing multiple times a day, so i have to hide it in my brother's room so it will not "Go Missing". While I stash it in his room, my brother picks it up and uses it, and loves it. So we both begin shaving with DE razors. so now my father is terrified of both my brother and I because of our shaving preference. :001_smile
I let this motorcylce stripper chick hand cuff me to a chair and shave me one night. My face looked like I got in to a fight with Edwards Scissorhands afterwards........but it was worth it:)

Wow, that's.....not sure what to say, but sounds sweet.:blink:
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