They are driving me crazy. I have taken all fruit / food off the counter. Whats next? How can I get rid of them, short of spraying my sink and counter with pesticide
+1 ... they especially can be found on "Organic" fruits.They live on fruit, so when you purchase some at the store, you may be carrying them home with you.
Off topic, but my wife was watching Paula Dean today, and she had a guest on. The guest said- "You know what I like about recipes that say 'add a half bottle of wine?' I know where the other half is going"Thanks guys, will try the wine/soap/foil trap.
Sometimes they hang out in potted plants.
Leave an open bottle of The Veg on the counter.
Fruit flies may have one of the smallest brains in the animal kingdom, but they're not stupid.
(Oh boy. Here it comes.)
Jim:Sometimes they hang out in potted plants.