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French Press question

So I had been thinking of trying a French Press and after being towed along to IKEA one day, my wife spots them in a display and we buy one. Cost about $12 as I recall, holds about 32 oz. When I figured out how to use it, I do believe the coffee is better. When I first started using it, there seemed to be a vacuum when I was pushing the plunger down and there was a bit of resistance. Now it just slides down. Is that the way it is supposed to work or is this just a cheap press and I need something better? My wife thinks we should try a better brand. Thanks.
I always give it a quick stir about half way through the stewing. The grounds all gather at the top and the stir breaks them up and they settle quickly. That's what's causing the resistance to the plunger.

Another tip is if it gets hard to press, just raise the plunger a fraction then start pressing again.

I have an idea French Press, and while I am not thrilled with the basic filter or the design on how it attaches to the press rod, overall, it's a nice press that's easy to care for and works well.

Resistance is futile(I mean.. resistance is normal).

I would avoid doing the pull up during the plunge down, personally. That's excess agitation which can speed up extraction (and it may just be that little nudge that pushes it over into the bitter range.. not likely, but possible), and it stirs up the sludge a bit.

I posted some other stuff over in the french press thread if you care to read them, and the basic guide is a good basic guide. Just don't do the push-pull-push thing. ;)
I have two brands of French presses, bodum and LeCafetier. Both operate the same with the same amount of resistance on the plunger.

When I brew with them the grounds are stirred immediately after the water is poured in, after which it steeps. One downward thrust of the plunger finishes the job.
It may not be ideal but for now we have the coffee ground coarse at the store. I was not sure if there was supposed to be some pressure or not as the plunger was being pushed down. I think the pressure we first experienced came with using finer ground coffee. The IKEA press we have seems to be doing the job, no grounds in the coffee using the coarser grind.
We have a Bodum at home, but I guess they are some what similar. Mine came with a scoop to measure the coffee. Bodum recommends one scoop per cup. Here a cup is 4 ozs. and the scoop is two tablespoons (I think). So for two cups (16ozs. Also I add a couple of extra tablespoons of water in to make up for the water thats trapped in the grounds.) I use four scoops of coffee. While I'm boiling the water I grind the coffee. Then I put the ground coffee in the bottom of the glass container. Then I let the just boiling water cool off for twenty, or thirty seconds. Then pour the water over the ground coffee. Next I wait one minute and then stir the mixture with a wooden spoon. Then put the cover on the container, and wait three more minutes. Then slowly push the plunger down trapping the grounds at the bottom of the container (four~four and a half minutes extraction total). Pour into cups and enjoy. Don't let the unused liquor sit with the grounds. If you make more than you will serve right away put the rest in a carafe. I hope this helps.
Oh yea, Ideally you should grind just before you brew. One more thing. Try to adjust the coffee dose, extraction time etc. Until it pleases your taste.:wink:
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