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French Aristocrat Adjustable Set


this year has a good end hopefully. besides the normal american aristocrat adjustable set in the black plastic case i also could hunt the british presentation set (mr razor site) and now i think i collected the french presentation set? the case style is similiar like the slim deluxe french set (mr razor site). anyone now this set and can identify it as the french presentation set?


thanks for your help

best regards
my one is from 1965 K2 ... so i think we need the advertisment to identify it. saw this case for only one time before ...

thanks achim for responding
hallo together,

recognized an interisting fact i think ... the razor of the ?french set? is slightly different to the american aristocrats i have seen so far...
attached some pics.

differences are on the endcaps i think cause slightly different shape and the french one has something like a protection plate on it.

someone else have such a aristocrat or recognized it ...?

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