I was in the Kuhl-Linscomb store at noon today, and the SA told me, with much excitement, that Frederick Malle is coming to visit their store on Sept 28. Apparently he's considering letting Kuhl-Linscomb sell his products in their store. It makes sense, as I consider them the premiere seller of upscale fragrances in Houston. She said they are not going to be promoting his products or anything like that while he's here, he's just stopping by to see the store and it's customers, probably to decide.
I'm considering going in to see if I can meet him, but don't know much about him. I've tried samples of his Musc Ravageur and Vetiver Extraordinaire, and I know they are mainly if not only available through his store and Barney's in New York.
What do you guys think? Any particular questions that should be posed to Frederick Malle if the opportunity presents itself?
I'm considering going in to see if I can meet him, but don't know much about him. I've tried samples of his Musc Ravageur and Vetiver Extraordinaire, and I know they are mainly if not only available through his store and Barney's in New York.
What do you guys think? Any particular questions that should be posed to Frederick Malle if the opportunity presents itself?