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Found the perfect combination for me

It has been a enjoyable quest for the perfect combination of all the shaving tools. Today I had the most satisfying shave using the following shaving components:
  1. Above The Tie Slant S2 with Razorock Slab Handle
  2. Gillette 7'oclock Permasharp Green Blades (Made in India)
  3. Semogue SOC boar brush
  4. Catie's Bubble LTV shaving soap
  5. Catie's Bubble LTV aftershave

Amazing irritation free 2 pass DFS (WTG and ATG).

In past one year I have tried several Razors (ATT S1 and S2, Merkur 34c and Futur, Edwin Jagger DE89L, Muhle R41, Razorock Stealth Slant Aluminium V3 and stainless steel version, Maggard MR5, Razorock SLAB, Phoenix double open comb), Soaps (Phoenix or HTGAM, Catie's Bubble, MDC fougere, Arko, Bodyshop Macaroot Cream, Edwin Jagger Soap, Tabac cream), Blades (Feather, BIC, Astra, Gillette 7 o'clock, Voskhod, Rapira, Wilkinson Sword), Shaving Brushes (Muhle synthetic, Edwin Jagger Super Badger, Semogue SOC Boar).

Among all, this combination is working best for me. All the products I have mentioned were really good. The fun part is the journey in last one year.

I won't stop here, the quest will go on to find even better combinations. I love this hobby now. Thanks to all the members to make this even more enjoyable!


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