Here is a pic of my antique mall score for today. I apologize for the poor quality of the pic. The brush is an old Ever-Ready, which will be a great one for my first restore project. I got the Ever-Ready SE for cheap, which was great. The coolest find, I think, was the Personna '74 blades. They were taped to the English Wilkies for $5. There are 4 blades in the pack, and I can't wait to give them a go. I also got a couple of great cigar boxes that I will migrate my blade collection to tomorrow.
I saw several straights for cheap, but none really looked worth the cash. I did find, however, a couple of razors in different booths that raised an eyebrow. They had pictures of Adolf Hitler on the scales. I was taken aback when I saw the first one. Then I saw the second, which was literally a football field's length away from the first. They both had the Solingen mark on them, which just makes sense. But the price on these razors were crazy!
Anyway, it was a good day and I found a really fantastic antique mall with tons of stuff. I think I made out pretty well.
I saw several straights for cheap, but none really looked worth the cash. I did find, however, a couple of razors in different booths that raised an eyebrow. They had pictures of Adolf Hitler on the scales. I was taken aback when I saw the first one. Then I saw the second, which was literally a football field's length away from the first. They both had the Solingen mark on them, which just makes sense. But the price on these razors were crazy!
Anyway, it was a good day and I found a really fantastic antique mall with tons of stuff. I think I made out pretty well.