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Found another vintage Tallow Soap

In memory of my late grandmother who sold Avon for over 20 years I picked up a vintage Skin So Soft Shaving Soap. It finally arrived today and I was somewhat surprised to find Tallow being the first ingredient. Have not tried it yet, I only have 12 different soaps and cremes in rotation at the moment with 5 more waiting to be added but I did want to make it known that if anyone is sampling tallow soaps before they all disappear or are reformulated that they may want to pick up one from an Avon lady with stock from the 90's.

nice score. be sure to write a review. curious to what it compares to in quality of shave.
I'm pretty sure Brother Jon (bythbook) is gaga over Avon soaps. Jon? Where are ye?

Nice score, indeed!
It looks to be a women's soap. Rub on then shave rather than whip up a nice lather with a brush....therefore the rectangular shape.

Curious if it is a brushless sort of soap, or if it would lather properly with a brush.
It looks to be a women's soap. Rub on then shave rather than whip up a nice lather with a brush....therefore the rectangular shape.

Curious if it is a brushless sort of soap, or if it would lather properly with a brush.

Likely you're correct. I doubt that a product called "Skin So Soft" that also says "Soft and Sensual" on the label would be marketed to guys. But that's just marketing -- soap is still soap.

Let us know how it performs! :thumbup1:
I'm pretty sure Brother Jon (bythbook) is gaga over Avon soaps. Jon? Where are ye?

Nice score, indeed!


I just bought one BIN off of dbay! (after confirming the "tallow first!")

...and per my usual MO (shoot first, inquire later) after buying it, I came here to research!

I'm very excited about this - my fourth Avon soap... so far, all are great!

Yup, this was sold for women's bathe 'n' shave activities. (Now I need to find a rectangular shaving mug....)

I'm VERY VERY excited... Avon SSS for (relatively) cheap and a puck of Pierre Cardin shaving soap (I hope, shaving soap) also for (relatively) cheap today!!!!!

man - thems a lot of exclamation points.
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Tallow, jojoba oil and LANOLIN?!?!
Oh, man, that's gotta be good stuff, for sure!! :001_tt1:

P.S.: That was for shave the ladies' legs, that's what it says on the package! Does it lather well?
Date on box is 2001 (I think), not sure I would consider that vintage. But it is no longer made, so I guess so. I've seen some for sale in a 2004 box, with some reformulation, but tallow is still first. I'd be interested to try it. Waiting to hear how you like it.
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I had my first shave with the SSS soap. I held it in my hand while I loaded the tweezerman with soap. Tried to build up a lather in a bowl and only got a thin airy lather that disappeared quickly. Wetted the tips of the brush again and swirled on the soap and started to get much better looking lather, finished building it on my face. Much better than the first attempt but still not the excellence of lather everyone seems to be looking for, the lather disappeared on my face before I was thru shaving. My face feels very nice, there is very little fragrance from the soap or lather, maybe just a slight Rose scent. I will need some more time and experience getting the water\soap ratio correct but so far the experience is favorable.:001_rolle
I had my first shave with the SSS soap. I held it in my hand while I loaded the tweezerman with soap. Tried to build up a lather in a bowl and only got a thin airy lather that disappeared quickly. Wetted the tips of the brush again and swirled on the soap and started to get much better looking lather, finished building it on my face. Much better than the first attempt but still not the excellence of lather everyone seems to be looking for, the lather disappeared on my face before I was thru shaving. My face feels very nice, there is very little fragrance from the soap or lather, maybe just a slight Rose scent. I will need some more time and experience getting the water\soap ratio correct but so far the experience is favorable.:001_rolle

...I'm still awaiting mine. I wonder how it might go using it as a shave stick?
well... I got my bar of SSS & gave it a run this morning. Good news: I made a whole lot of lather!

...and then that lather sort of... disappeared [bad news].

I'm sad - I was hoping this would be a sleeper (thank goodness I don't have a case of it).

I soaked the soap, I soaked my Sem 1305 (I made lather from an empty bowl with this once)... loaded up the brush with gobs of soap (it was a stone bowl)... lathered and spun & painted (did I mention what a wonderful brush this is?)... and got pretty, airy, un-creamy - but still tallow, per ingredients list - teeny tiny popping bubbled... non-lather.


Finished the shave with Old Spice soap.
Sorry I didn't find this thread earlier.....haven't been on for awhile.

I bought some of this stuff months ago and it's not any good for shaving.
I wish I could have saved some of you some money and grief.

Continue on............
Sorry I didn't find this thread earlier.....haven't been on for awhile.

I bought some of this stuff months ago and it's not any good for shaving.
I wish I could have saved some of you some money and grief.

Continue on............

The final result for me is that I have to agree with Johhny. I worked for an hour trying more and less water trying to achieve a decent lather with this soap. I can get mounds of light, airy, dry lather quite easily. When I added more water, a few drops at a time the lather would get wetter but more bubbly. I finally tried face lathering with my tweezerman brush, the lather looked nice but dried out quickly and provided very little protection on my face. I will try making a super lather with some KMF creme that I have but any decent results will be because of the added creme and not from the soap.

My verdict is to leave this one alone, no good shaves here.
Tallow, jojoba oil and LANOLIN?!?!
Oh, man, that's gotta be good stuff, for sure!! :001_tt1:

P.S.: That was for shave the ladies' legs, that's what it says on the package! Does it lather well?

yeah, but also a lot of sodium lauryl sulfate. I won't be trying this one.
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