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For Those of You...

... who have found "THE" one blade that works best for you, and you are no longer experimenting trying to find anything better, what is it?

For me... I'm still searching, though I always get good results with the IPs.

Gillette Swedes first, Astras second.

I have a bunch of Astras and use them mostly with the Swedes going to the slants and occasionally others (due to price difference this makes my supply last longer).
Gillette 7 o'clock Sharp Edge (yellow, Russia), Permasharp (green, India), Swedes... they're all in the same ballpark.


Derby, I get a weeks worth of smooth shaves from them. Out of the 100's of them I have used I have had only 1 bum blade.
European Gillette Platinums a.k.a. "Swedes" (duplicate review here). I'm busy stocking up enough of those to last me a lifetime. Yes, they are expensive but they last me 14 shaves.
I've been very pleased with Red Pack Personna's. Now, if I can safely say it's my final blade, eh... not sure I can stick with one thing longer than a month or two.
Gillette 7 o'clock Sharp Edge (yellow, Russia), Permasharp (green, India), Swedes... they're all in the same ballpark.



That's me as well, but the yellows and greens more than the swedes.

I might lean toward the greens a bit more right now...
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