I contacted them via email regarding the disappearance of their shave product. They responded today:
I know a lot of you aren't fans of anything that comes out of can, but this is the onlyproduct that works on my sensitive skin.
Thank you for contacting the Johnson & Johnson Consumer Companies, Inc. Information Center. It is always important to hear from our consumers, and we appreciate the time you have taken to contact us.
With regard to your recent inquiry, thank you so much for your loyalty to our product. We are excited to let you know that all of the shave gel products, with the exception of the Aveeno® Ultra Calming shave gel, will be back in stores in November, and the dispensing issue has been resolved. We have also added new rust proof packaging!
If you would like to purchase the product before November please visit www.drugstore.com, you will be able to order it from there. We hope that this information will be helpful.
I know a lot of you aren't fans of anything that comes out of can, but this is the onlyproduct that works on my sensitive skin.