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For the UK members, newbie about to purchase a merkur 34c, what cream for acne.

Hey guys,
I am in my mid 20's and suffer from acne around my neck. I am very dark, a mach 3 blade literally does me two days and by the third, shaving with it is very very painful but blades are so bloody expensive.

I am buying a merkur 34c as I have heard it is the best all rounder.

What are the very best blades to suit this razor and can anyone reccomend a cream which will NOT block pores, ie non comedogenic?

Shaving brush reccomendation?

Anything else worth buying?

I have no budget, so whatever is the best out there, is what I will buy.

thanks in advance.
I used to have lots of acne on my neck but a lot of it cleared when I started shaving this way. Try Proraso Blue cream and balm and a Personna Platinum Chrome blade. It will provide a mild but close shave. The Executive Shaving company do all the above plus their Silvertip brush costs just above £30.
Welcome to the group! I'm not from the UK but I'm totally going to make some suggestions anyway! I like the 34C and I think your acne will improve greatly simply by making the switch to a safety razor.

I'm a big fan of using Crystals and Bics in my 34C. There's a large following for Astras and Gillettes. I would suggest getting a sampler before you do anything and sticking to that setup for at least 5 shaves before moving on to the the next blade. Blade longevity varies from manufacturer to manufacturer and user to user.

Nearly all products you find people talking about on this site are non-comodogenic so you shouldn't have to consciously worry about that. Proraso is a great place to start. Be sure to stick with one shave soap/cream for at least 30 shaves while you perfect your lather technique.

I really like Larry's brushes from Whipped Dog in Texas but not sure if he ships internationally. The BK8 is a beautiful brush as are some of the newest Muhle synthetics. You'll probably get a lot of feedback on this one.

Post shave makes a huge difference for me. My skin reacts differently to alcohol vs balms vs alum vs witch hazel. Play with it and see what what exacerbates your acne and what helps it to subside. Your complexion will undoubtedly improve just by transitioning.
With Palmolive sticks available for 49 pence, you have a great soap readily available! And you have Palmolive cream, too!

I find Astra SPs work great in my 34C. Hope they'll work for you because they are cheap.

A cheap Semogue or Omega boar brush would be a nice starter brush. Soft tips, but with backbone.

Hope this type of shaving works for you. Take your time with it and enjoy developing your lather making and DE razor skills.
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Hey guys,
I am in my mid 20's and suffer from acne around my neck. I am very dark, a mach 3 blade literally does me two days and by the third, shaving with it is very very painful but blades are so bloody expensive.

I am buying a merkur 34c as I have heard it is the best all rounder.

What are the very best blades to suit this razor and can anyone reccomend a cream which will NOT block pores, ie non comedogenic?

Shaving brush reccomendation?

Anything else worth buying?

I have no budget, so whatever is the best out there, is what I will buy.

thanks in advance.

There isn't really a "one size fits all" best blade - different people's whiskers and skin all react differently to different blades. What you really need to do is try some samples and decide which you like best, so...

Send me a PM with your address and I'll send you a sample of blades from my own stash.

(Oh, and welcome :001_smile)
Hey, don't feel bad. I'm 48 and still get the occasional break out on my neck. As others have said, DE shaving will help clear things up. Your Merkur 34C is an excellent choice, in my opinion.

I started out with Nivea razor Creme. Absolutely no irritation. This might be a good place for you to start, as it's a quality product and inexpensive. I've also found TOBS Sandlewood to be non-irritating.

Very best of luck to you!

Silvertip will be OK,change food not cream.

I am the same weight today that I was when I was 18, still competitive in sport and eat nothing but healthy food and rarely drink. I can guarantee you it has nothing to do with diet!
I am the same weight today that I was when I was 18, still competitive in sport and eat nothing but healthy food and rarely drink. I can guarantee you it has nothing to do with diet!

I'm 35 and still have acne, acne is just a sign of disease in the body. When we treat acne, we only suppress the symptoms without being discovered the cause. I do not drink milk, do not eat dairy products and some meats and I am much better now. Just my 2 cents of course.
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