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Food safe oil for wood

Hi guys, just wanted a bit of advice - I've got a cleaver with an untreated wooden handle and whilst I do take very good care of my knives, I would like some extra protection for it. So I'm wondering what kind of oil I could treat it with? I know boiled walnut oil has been mentioned a lot, particularly in relation to the cutting board thread, but I just can't seem to find it over here. Any other options?
Mineral oil because it does not go rancid and is food safe. Also consider a soft mixture of bee's wax and mineral oil for knife handles. Melt a small quantity of bee's wax into mineral oil that has been lightly heated in a double boiler pan to prevent over heating, mix, and let cool. Mixture should have the consistency of a soft paste wax when fully cooled and solidified. If too soft, reheat and add more wax. If too hard, reheat and add more oil. I keep mine in a pyrex glass dish with a snap on plastic cover. Lasts a long time.
I sand our wooden cutting board every few months and use mineral oil afterwards. Works a treat, brings out the natural color of the wood and hasn't killed anyone yet.
Mineral oil is the way to go if you want an oil. But if you want a non-oil or film type food safe finish shellac is a good choice. And they sell a product called Salad Bowl Finish that is a type of food safe varnish. Both will dry hard and be more abrasion and water resistant than an oil finish.
i personally use coconut oil on my boards and have great success for years. as it is anti fungal, bacterial and viral
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