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Flying alarm clock

Flying alarm clock:

It has a helicopter that takes off when the alarm goes off. To burn the beeping off, you have to catch it and put it back on the clock. Extra challenging if you have a dog or sleep with the windows open.


Not exactly the kind of fine watches we usually post here, but I had to share this self-torture device. :laugh:
Nice concept, but I don't think anybody wants to wake up to such a heart-stopping alarm. It was like entering a restricted government facility. All that was missing was the flashing red lights.
I gave this as a gift to a friend a few Christmases ago. It's pretty cool, cheaply made. There are countless variations of silly alarm clocks: one that rolls away and you must find it, one with puzzle pieces that "explode" and you must solve the puzzle, one that you hang on your ceiling and it creeps back up to the ceiling if you don't shut it off, and so on ad infinieum.

The problem with alarm clocks is they are usually so cheap that they only last a few years, or their LCD is overly-bright, or the tone is unbearable... really, the most ideal alarm these days seems like a cell phone. Or a courtesy call. Something that isn't primarily an alarm clock. I use my game boy, which, sadly, is the greatest alarm clock I've ever owned.
I gave this as a gift to a friend a few Christmases ago. It's pretty cool, cheaply made. There are countless variations of silly alarm clocks: one that rolls away and you must find it, one with puzzle pieces that "explode" and you must solve the puzzle, one that you hang on your ceiling and it creeps back up to the ceiling if you don't shut it off, and so on ad infinieum.

The problem with alarm clocks is they are usually so cheap that they only last a few years, or their LCD is overly-bright, or the tone is unbearable... really, the most ideal alarm these days seems like a cell phone. Or a courtesy call. Something that isn't primarily an alarm clock. I use my game boy, which, sadly, is the greatest alarm clock I've ever owned.

How does THAT work? :confused1
Not an original gameboy, I'd assume.

One would hope that the owner of this clock takes more than a second to try and shut off the clock. I wouldn't want to put my hand down before it launches.
For the sort of person who wants a flying alarm clock, horrible shrieking is probably exactly what they want.

These alarm clocks are made for the sorts of people who can't get out of bed without a ton of stimuli.
I'd be tempted to trap shoot it.

The electronic alarm clock works well, but the finest alarm clock I've ever encountered is a cat.

Simply get one used to having breakfast at the time you're supposed to get up and you will be awakened with alarming precision every morning.
what if this thing land on your face and burst one of your eyes? would you be able to sue the company into oblivion?

I have done too much razor shopping lately and I am thinking of quick schemes to become financially stable again :lol:
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