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So, I need a flask. Kinda for work.
I'm a doorman and its sort of freezing out right now.
I have one that's 3oz, but was looking for something a little bigger.

However, it fits perfectly in all pockets.
So there is a plus.

But I'll make due with whatever.

What should I look for gents?

How about this-

Not only will it keep you warm, unlike alcohol, you wont loose your job for drinking coffee.​
The Stanley Classic Flask 8oz (they also have a 16oz) is the way to go.. keeps stuff hot or cold just like it's big brother and unbreakable. At under $20 you can have one in both pockets!
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Not pretty but should do the job. I think they make a smaller version. This one will hold 473 mL of what ever you please.

Coghlan's Plastic Flask
For something a little classier, Coleman makes a nice 8oz stainless steel flask for $9. You can find it at most stores that sell camping gear.

For something even classier, Coleman makes a leather covered model of the same thing for $13, and this one includes a small funnel, which will be necessary. You'll probably need to get this one online.

Personally, I take along some liquid refreshment whenever I go out to a nightclub. Rather than pay $9 a pop for 2 or 3 Johnny Walker Black on the rocks, I pour myself 3 oz of Scotch at home, toss in 3 ice cubes into a plastic cup, cover it over with a baggie so it won't spill, and drink it up in the parking lot before I go in the bar. Once I'm done drinking, I throw away the cup so there's no evidence on the way home. I still order one drink while I'm inside, and to be on the fair side, I double up on what I used to tip the barmaid.
This time of year you can usually find a flask thrown in with a fifth as a holiday promotion. A couple years back I got myself a 7oz that looks like the Coleman stainless with a bottle of EJ brandy. Just make sure you keep it in the trunk.
I have a 6oz. flask from THIS PLACE and it's quite awesome. The mirror shiny finish takes on a great bit of character and patina over time, and 6oz. is a good upgrade for a small and stylish little flask. They also have a 10oz, but it looks a little un-subtle.

If you're going for straight utility, THIS looks pretty cool. And then there's THIS

Good luck, and remember to avoid putting anything acidic, like fruit juice in the flask.
Look for something that's made to be used. Many of the flasks I've had in the past were poorly designed. I either lost the cap or they leaked. Remember when it's nine degrees outside you're probably very cold and wearing gloves. Fancy engraving and a teeny little cap don't really help. That Stanley flask Miles posted looks great. I might need to speak with Santa...
Look for something that's made to be used. Many of the flasks I've had in the past were poorly designed. I either lost the cap or they leaked. Remember when it's nine degrees outside you're probably very cold and wearing gloves. Fancy engraving and a teeny little cap don't really help.
+1 ... stay away from the flasks engraved with the name of a whiskey, since you'll be paying a good $20 extra to advertise for that brand. Also, you don't need the monogram that comes with a flask you'd buy at a jewelry store or a place like "Things Remembered."

You want something that will be functional to ride in your pocket, not look pretty sitting on a shelf.

And since so many have been wondering ... what are you going to fill it with?
I will be filling it with probably bourbon (Woodford or my new bottle of Eagle Rare) or with 10 yo Macallan (I got 2 bottle of it for my bday.)

I will not stick with coffee or tea, because a monkey could do my job.
I work 8 hours, its nice to have something with dinner.
I have a 30 min ferry ride to and from work (a nice hour ride.)
When the mood strikes me, I would like something to last me the whole night.
3 oz just doesn't cut it.
I also share the wealth with a very dear coworker.

Thanks for the suggestions.
If you are looking for a really nice flask....Google Filson Flask...it's 6 oz. and built to last a lifetime or at least until retirement!:thumbup1:

Merry Christmas!
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