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How about Frogger..... ARG,..... I can't believe I said that... Now I will be hearing it for the rest of the night ARRGGGGG PLEASE somebody shoot me!!!!!

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Okay, repeat after me, "Oh I wish I was an Oscar Meyer wiener....." Did that help? No? You could try "Plop, Plop, Fizz, Fizz. Oh what a relief it is." I'm not sure I can remember the Valleydale Three Pigs song but it was a good one.
I hate that commercial, too. The song doesn't bother me so much, but the visuals creep me out.

Wait 'til you try one :biggrin:

Seriously... I'll be waiting in line, see it on the menu, and think "Man, it's been 5 years since I've had a filet..."

10 minutes later, I remember why it's been 5 years since I've had one.
I'm still trying to find somebody willing to eat a large order of those new 'fish bites' and down a large shamrock shake in less than 3 minutes.
None of these are as horrible as Jefferson Starship's " We built this city on rock and roll " this ear worm is my nemesis. I cringe when I hear it on the radio, it makes me want to jam burning pencils in my eardrums, and put out the fire with a mixture of high sulfer diesel fuel and bleach.
I can't get that McDonalds song out of my head..........:a52:

Someone get me hooked on another song.:biggrin1:

weird that you started a thread about this song. i've been singing it at work all day.

my wife likes that other McDonald's commercial with the singing fish.

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Well, you could always sing the "100 bottles of beer" song, or "the ants go marching one by one", and just keep counting upwards. That'll keep you busy for awhile.
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