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There're probably threads like this already so forgive the duplication.

I'm contemplating my first straight. Been DE shaving awhile and enjoy it. But I thought I'd like to try something else.

I'm looking for a recommendation for a first razor, but I know myself well and I know I won't be happy with something that isn't nice. I've seen lots of recommendations for a vendor that sells old ready to shave razors. But I know I won't be happy with a beaten razor. I'll use it a few times and decide to buy a spiffy new one before two weeks is up. What would be a good first razor that would be aesthetically pleasing as well?

I'd like to spend $150 to $200 but would go higher for the right razor.
Well... if I'm first to answer this (typing now but I bet there will be others), then consider getting a whippeddog kit. You will get by with about $55 and get all you need to get started. If you like it, then get another razor in the 150-200 category and hone it up using your whippeddog kit.

Once you get the basics out of the way, decide if you want new or old for your second razor. Old has some big appeal to most of us. New is good, too.
^ +1, whipped dog, then get something nice at the same time. You can play with the whipped dog one until you get the hang of it and if you drop it, ding it you wont cry
^ what they said.

I went whipped dog to start with wanting something pretty looking later on.
It's still my favourite razor.
given your desires, I like the idea of getting a fancy razor plus a whipped dog set. youd end up with 2 razors (a beater and a fancy), at least one of them with a shave-ready edge, a strop, a balsa with CrOx on one side and FeOx on the other for maintenance. If you got 200 bucks or so budget, and the whipped-dog set goes for ~50, then you've got 150-160 for a sweet new razor. LOTS of choices for that range. I'd recommend for your fancy razor something 6/8 or so, with a roundish point, with jimps top/bottom to help with grip. If you up the budget a bit, and back off on your fanciness, you could could also squeeze out a coticule for honing. Otherwise you can get yourself some lapping film and a slab o' flat granite for pretty cheap too.
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+1 for all the above.
Larry at whipped dog has great deals and if you get into it then like the others said you can always get a purdier razor and hone or films and not blow your budget of 200!
I'm almost two weeks into straights now and I first bought a whippeddog deal, and after shaving with it about a week and knowing this is something I wanted to continue with I put up a WTB and bought a really pretty vintage razor for about 90$ shipped. I think that was a smart move ;)
Like everyone else said....whipping dog. After a few weeks you will start on the skill path to know what you want to buy next.
welcome to straights!


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
Learn to shave first. Then learn to hone. Then decide if you wanna blow your wad of cash on razors, hones, or strops.

I admire the desire to start out with a nice new one, but the only nice new one I bought is at the bottom of the pile of razors in the bottom of the drawer. Its a 5/8 hollow ground round tip. I like 6/8 or larger square tip wedge Kamisori grinds. So yeah, its wasted on me ATM. I also don't want to sell it in case I have a change of heart later, but the money at this point was wasted.

As a beginner you have no idea what you will ultimately want. I much rather have a nice vintage vs. a nice new one. But YMMV.
Okay. You all make sense. I placed an order for a sight unseen razor at Whipped Dog. My guess is, I'll have it sometime next week.
remember when you get it to use it the first time WITHOUT stropping it..... larry will send it shave ready and you might pooch the edge without meaning to with beginner stropping.....

watch stropping videos and pay close attention when you strop it......

welcome to the cool kids club!!
If you decide to stick with it and want to get a nice vintage straight later on, I can recommend edson razors. Lots of near mint restored, gorgeous vintage razors on his razors for sale page. And they all come with a keen smooth edge.
remember when you get it to use it the first time WITHOUT stropping it..... larry will send it shave ready and you might pooch the edge without meaning to with beginner stropping.....

watch stropping videos and pay close attention when you strop it......

welcome to the cool kids club!!

+1 I thought I had some mad stropping skills and discovered I was quite wrong as my straights deteriorating faster than expected.
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