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First Week's Shave with My #21 was a...

As some of you may have read in another post, when I received my Aristocrat #21 from Jake a couple of weeks ago I also tried a vintage Gillette Thin blade in a moment of nostalgia. That was a disaster and to further complicate things I also tried a slice of P-160 gifted to me from another board member. Too many changes at once I think. The intial shave was so bad that every shave after that was a painful experience regardless of the blade. And, because of that I couldn't tell you if P-160 is any good at all (I'll ask my questions about it on the other board).

So I ask, what is the aggressivenes of the #21 compared to to the following: Fatboys set at 5/6, Rocket 500 HD, a President?

I plan on trying it again next week after my face has has a chance to fully recover and with one of my favorite blades.

Thanks in advance.

My 21 is a very smooth shaver, it's agressiveness IMO is equivalent to the President.

Check to make sure your blade is aligned properly when the doors are closed.

Thanks for your input. I think using that vintage Gillette Thin ruined things for the whole week. I love shaving with my President so I'm looking forward to the next week's shave with #21.

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