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First Vintage Shave

I had the pleasure of my first vintage shave this morning, and I can guarantee that it won't be my last! After picking up a half dozen vintage razors over the last few weekends I finally got them cleaned up on Sunday and decided to try a Flare Tip Super Speed for this morning's shave. Talk about a nice shaving razor! Nice and mild but very effective. One of the three best shaves I've had since I got into DE! The size of the handle compared to the iKon Bulldog handle that I've been using took some getting used to, but other than that, it was great!
I prefer my '59 Fatboy and '62 Slim to my EJ and Merkur. They all deliver great shaves. The retro Gillettes got the best vibe.
I prefer my '59 Fatboy and '62 Slim to my EJ and Merkur. They all deliver great shaves. The retro Gillettes got the best vibe.

I've got a '59 Fatboy and a '63 Slim sitting in my cabinet waiting to be tried, those will probably be next.
+1 on the FB. Once I started using my '60 Fatboy that was it. In terms of DE razors. Next step is straights.

I'll definitely keep my iKon OSS, but once I hit 45 days on B&B my EJ DE89 and Muhle R41 are going up on B/S/T, now that I've gotten into vintage, they won't see any use.
+1 I have left all "new" razors for vintages and love my Slim (or both of them... :wink2:) more than the other vintages in my collection, including my FB

I still believe that my vintage Slim is the best shaving razor I've tried and it's nearly 50 years old. For those who haven't dipped their toe into the vintage market, you owe it to yourself to try one.
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