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First time using Feather in a long time.


my brain goes "thonk"
I used a Feather for the first time in a long time and it was just as I suspected. I think the Feather is to sharp for me. I got some nicks and thought I might have to go to the hospital for a blood transfusion (over exagerating).It eas the first time I've seen that much blood on my face from shaving in a long time. It used it my 39C. I'll just ho back to what was suggested to me to use: Polsilver, Astra SP, Personna Red, and last but in no way the least the Voskhods. I'm still getting better shaves with yhe Ever Ready 1924 and the single edge carbon steel blades.


Needs milk and a bidet!
IMO its all about your technique. With the right technique I think you could use any blade.

you just have to know how to wield it.

2nd: it's all about prep, and your software

I used Feathers a long time ago and had the same problem. to many weepers it wasn't worth it. I came back to them and used them for a week now they are my fav and provide blood free shaves every time.
Lol, if you say that you don't like xyz blades, the answer is ymmv. Point out that Feather blades are pretty bloody though, and it's just your technique.....

For what it's worth, no blade is worth requiring a fourth degree black belt in wet shaving to be able to say that you only draw blood on occasion..... I have some Feather blades, and I will likely still have them when I'm dead. They are intriguing because of the cult of Feather, but they are all about sharp, not comfort, and I consider that to be a defect. Even with the most careful technique, the best soap, and taking all the time in the world, Feathers are seconds away from delivering multiple weepers or worse, and leave my skin stinging loudly with a splash of aftershave... That observation holds true for all of my razors with the Feather blade.

On the other hand, I can use a lowly Astra SP blade, and quick shave with nothing but bar soap, or Soft Soap, and get a darn good shave in a big hurry without any blood or irritation. I can also get a perfect BBS shave out of the Astra (and other Gillette brands) by making more passes, and end up taking less time, as well as avoiding any blood or skin irritation at all compared to the Feather blade.

Don't feel bad that Feather blades seem to shave more than stubble. They do. People who love Feather blades are welcome to them, but need to keep in mind that ymmv includes Feather blades, and some of us just prefer a blade that serves us, and don't care to learn how to serve a blade.


Needs milk and a bidet!
Lol, if you say that you don't like xyz blades, the answer is ymmv. Point out that Feather blades are pretty bloody though, and it's just your technique.....

For what it's worth, no blade is worth requiring a fourth degree black belt in wet shaving to be able to say that you only draw blood on occasion..... I have some Feather blades, and I will likely still have them when I'm dead. They are intriguing because of the cult of Feather, but they are all about sharp, not comfort, and I consider that to be a defect. Even with the most careful technique, the best soap, and taking all the time in the world, Feathers are seconds away from delivering multiple weepers or worse, and leave my skin stinging loudly with a splash of aftershave... That observation holds true for all of my razors with the Feather blade.

On the other hand, I can use a lowly Astra SP blade, and quick shave with nothing but bar soap, or Soft Soap, and get a darn good shave in a big hurry without any blood or irritation. I can also get a perfect BBS shave out of the Astra (and other Gillette brands) by making more passes, and end up taking less time, as well as avoiding any blood or skin irritation at all compared to the Feather blade.

Don't feel bad that Feather blades seem to shave more than stubble. They do. People who love Feather blades are welcome to them, but need to keep in mind that ymmv includes Feather blades, and some of us just prefer a blade that serves us, and don't care to learn how to serve a blade.
YMMV :tongue_sm

I don't see how it could be anything but your technique. And that's with any blade. Every razor blade is sharp, and some are a lot sharper than others. If you don't cut yourself with Astra, but you do with Feathers it's not because Feathers have a brain and are thinking "i'm going to hack this guys face up". It's because they are a lot sharper than an Astra and you are not used to it. Your muscle memory isn't used to it.

You can drive a VW Beatle from point A to point B all day long. But if you get behind the wheel of an F1 race car and crash, it's not the cars fault.

This is just my opinion and I know not everyone will agree. I just think there is a more logical reason for weepers and nicks than saying "the blade sucks".

I've drawn blood A LOT more with non-Feather blades than I have with a Feather. Ever hear the phrase "a dull razor blade is more dangerous than a sharp one" ?

But of course YMMV

Also if someone simply says "xyz blades suck" then that's a pretty broad statement, they are not give us anything to go on so of course the standard answer will be YMMV. But if someone says "xyz blades suck, and here's why" then we have the reason they suck and can try to provide answers why xyz blades might suck.
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I've vacilated with Feathers pretty much since I started DE shaving over 2 years ago.

I've had my best shaves with them and, except for my first DE shave using a Merkur blade with a 23c, I've had my bloodiest shaves with them.

I generally use more forgiving blades like GSB's and Super Iridiums, but everytime I revisit the Feather I love it again. I just get more stubble removed with fewer strokes. The problem is that using the Feather on consecutive days can be a problem. Especially on my neck. And like many have noted, if I'm inattentive with my pressure or general technique I'm looking for trouble.

BTW - I just ordered a full 200 pack sleeve from Dridiot. I think the Feather will continue to be an occaisional blade that I rotate in.
I certainly understand YMMV. Some blades work better for some people--and to take it even further, some blades work better in certain razors, for some people.

With that said, how could a blade be "too sharp"?
IMO its all about your technique. With the right technique I think you could use any blade.

you just have to know how to wield it.

2nd: it's all about prep, and your software
I used Feathers a long time ago and had the same problem. to many weepers it wasn't worth it. I came back to them and used them for a week now they are my fav and provide blood free shaves every time.

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