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First Time, First Purchase.. DE, Badger B, Cream & Blades

Hello All;

I am new to this forum as well as to safety razors. For over a week now I have been reading about safety razors, brushes, creams, blades and methods.

I am ready to take the plunge. Why am I giving this a go? Because I shave every day and I hate my razor. I don't look forward to the routine at all and that is the reason I decided to jump online and find some way better.. Which of course brought me to information on safety razors.

What do I currently use? Mach 3 with Gillette sensitive skin foam. This is the best combination I have come to like with in your face store bought products. Problem is, I need to shave every day to look clean cut, which is also a requirement of my job. Since I shave so much I tend to use my mach 3 cartridges past the point of usability. Due to the price I cannot afford to buy more to be able to switch them when I wish I could.

I am actually guilty of saving them after I should be done with them, thinking maybe when I get stuck that saved old ones will be better then only having one left that is way over used.

So, I believe that using dull blades because of cost has put me into the hate shaving category, even when I believe I should be a love it person. I truly enjoy my time in the bathroom prepping for the day. Its peaceful to me to take sometime to care for myself. But I dread shaving because of cost associated with keeping everything sharp.

So please help guide me into a new/old way. Please keep in my that cost are of great concern to me. I really cannot afford to be spending a lot, but I realize I need to spend to make the change

So.. with that said, here is what I have settled on and also what I am unsure about.

Merkur HD 34C Classic Safety Razor

Proraso Shaving Cream, Eucalyptus and Menthol

Astra Double-Edge Safety Razor Blades

Problem area.

I want a good brush, but not something that will break the bank. I prefer to get something decent that will last me a long time. I don't want to get a starter brush, only to wish I had to spend a little more to get a long lasting make me happy brush.. lol..

So, it seems the best value/ quality is the Vulfix. But the three grades have me confused.. More so the first two grades.. The pure versus the super.

At first I was draw to the vulfix pure grey badger shaving brush. Model 1000A, black handle.
Brush stand included. I liked that fact that it came with the stand and the price seems fair for the brand name. $38.96 Canadian.

information on the 1000a can be had at the below link. It doesn't have the stand info, just the brush. the stand is just a basic black 8.99 jobby.

But then after reading some reviews on vulfix brushes it seems most tend to start off with super badger and got me thinking should I invest more for super? I have also read that the basic of badger from vulfix is almost as good as some of the high price brushes. So does that mean the pure grey would suffice? I dunno.

But the recommended super brush seems to be the vulfix 2233. But its 26 dollars more and doesn't come with a stand. $64.99 Canadian. So with paying $8.99 for the stand, I am almost doubling my brush cost.

information on the 2233 can be had at the below link

Then I came across Vulfix 660S Medium Super Badger Shaving Brush & Stand, Black for $62.95. Search Vulfix for information and could not find it listed anywhere on their website. Why is that? But it seems to have near the same specs as the 2233.. Same super badger hair, 1 mm less on the knot, but longer Bristle loft: by 5mm. So it should hold near the same amount of water. What concerns me is that i cannot find it on their website and I still dunno if its that much better then the pure grey basic one.

Ahhh.. decisions.. Also I see a house model from the online store that is super badger on sale for $38.66 without the $8.99 stand.. It has a bigger knot by 3mm and the biggest loft out of the three by 5 to 8 mm depending on the vulfix models.

So the brush has me lost the most.. But another thing that has me in a toss is maybe I should get a set.
I have found a set with a nice chrome stand with a chrome brush. The brush is silvertip and has the biggest knot and loft at 24 mm knot and loft of 51mm. It doesn't give the name of the brush though. But I can say the whole kit looks sharp and it is silver tip, something which none of the brush mention before have.

Thing is though, if I minus the cost of the merkur out of the set, I am paying $85 Canadian dollars for the brush and stand.. And yes, the sharp stand with all chrome brush would look nice.. But it seems like it all may be over kill or would you go this way? The big silvertip brush sounds nice on paper, but it is? Sure would be nice to have this stuff on display though, I think I would be proud of that set on the bathroom counter top :) conversation piece I think.

So as you can see I am mostly lost on the brush, but confuse as if I should get the set.

I will place some specs all together now on the brushes.

Vulfix Model: 1000a Pure grey badger with stand $38.96

Overall height: 100 mm
Handle height: 51 mm
Knot diameter: 20mm
Bristle loft: 49 mm

Vulfix Model: 2233 Super Badger $64.99
Handle height: 45mm
Overall brush height: 90mm
Knot diameter (At base): 21mm
Bristle loft: 45 mm

Vulfix Model: 660 Super Badger Medium Size $62.95
Overall height: 100 mm
Handle height: 50 mm
Bristle loft: 50 mm
Knot diameter: 20 mm

No Name
Super Badger Shaving Brush, Black Handle
Bristle loft: 53 mm
Knot diameter: 23 mm
Overall Height ? unknown
Handle Height ? unknown

No name number 2 (Chrome and in merkur gift set) $45.00 if minus $39.99 stand and merkur razor
Quality Silvertip Classic Shaving Brush
Overall height: 100mm
Handle height: 46mm
Bristle loft: 54mm
Knot size: 24mm
Metal handle.

What comes in the merkur 3 piece kit.

1.) Chrome Stand for Safety Razor & Shaving Brush
Shaving Brush Opening: 1" (25 mm)
Razor Opening: 1/2" (12 mm)
Separately on site it cost $39.99

2.) Merkur HD Classic Safety Razor
Separately on site it cost $49.50

3.) No name number 2 (Chrome and in merkur gift set)
Quality Silvertip Classic Shaving Brush
Overall height: 100mm
Handle height: 46mm
Bristle loft: 54mm
Knot size: 24mm
Metal handle.

Price, unknown. Does not appear as if this is sold separately on the site.

That is what I am confused on, I hope some of you can help push me in the right direction. I should also note that due to my location and wanting to have enough supplies on hand to due me awhile, I am purchasing 2 tubes of Poraso and 100 pack of Astra blades.. this alone is going to cost me $43.85 Canadian before tax. I also have to pay shipping even though the site is advertising free over $100.00. But due to my location again, I have to pay.. So that will be $10.95 according to the pre checkout shipping quote on the site.

That is all for now, Thanks for all the help you can give.

PineCladHills :)
The set up seems nice. While I can't speak on Vulfix, my Rooney in pure versus super was a big difference. Now that they are breaking in I can really enjoy either.

Thing is though... The brush might not change much. But you will always get another one... It is inevitable.

Maybe get the vulfix and check out the bst section. People sell super badger restores. You could get a sweet brush that way with a ton more character.
I'll be honest I didn't read all of it, however

1. Don't buy a set
2. Don't buy a set
3. Don't buy a set

The 34C is fine

I would say, look locally for a cheap brush and soap, (Not Canadain so I have no idea).

Buying a set before you've actually even wet shaved is a really bad move, you may wind up hating it...
I've had Vulfix and Rooney brushes. I like the Rooneys. They do cost a bit more for the same size but I think they more than justify the price difference.

I always tell people to hold off on the brush stand as they all seem way overpriced to me. A piece of chromed bent metal. If you were in one of the big discount housewares stores they'd call it a toothbrush holder and it'd cost $10 instead of $40! It is also something that not everyone bothers with anyway.

The savings on the stand would cover the upgrade to a Rooney and still leave you a bunch left over.
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I'm not sure if this is true of all Vulfixes but mine was way too soft/floppy for me (I think it was a 2235 Super Badger).

My next two were an SR and then a Rooney Heritage Medium Stubby.

I've like each more than the previous so that would make me lean toward a Rooney. Though I wouldn't spend $150 on my first brush, one of the less expensive Rooney's might be a good choice.
I'm not sure if this is true of all Vulfixes but mine was way too soft/floppy for me (I think it was a 2235 Super Badger).

My next two were an SR and then a Rooney Heritage Medium Stubby.

I've like each more than the previous so that would make me lean toward a Rooney. Though I wouldn't spend $150 on my first brush, one of the less expensive Rooney's might be a good choice.

After owning and using about 6 different brushes and returning another one unused I settled in on a Rooney style 1 size 1 in super. I like that brush at $75 better then a couple of $150 brushes I had. I feel lucky that I like the size 1, Rooney's smallest, because it is also their least expensive.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Welcome to B&B!

I can't really speak for those brushes as I don't know them. Someone else might.

I would recommend starting with a basic Omega bristle/boar brush (usually around $10). Those are cheap yes but will do the work and for a while.

2nd. Merkur HD is a great starter razor, as mentionned up here by Aaron, I wouldn't buy it in a set

3rd. Do not buy 100 Astra if you didn't try a single pack. If you know how Astra work, then that's all right but I would pick a razor blade sample pack to start with instead of 100 blades. It's possible that your face won't agree with them and you will be stuck with 99 blades.

I would say start with 1 tube of Proraso and a second tube of something else.

With the above, if you want to get a cheap starter kit, I would recommend looking on BST (Buy/Sell/Trade) section of this forum. You will be able to get a cheap Gillette Tech or Superspeed (maybe even a Merkur HD), second hand for cheaper than the store.


Use the Fat, Luke!
I am gonna break the trend here.

Your setup sounds very very good. I suspect that, once you have been at it with the Merkur for a couple of weeks, you will feel the itch to try something else. It is almost inevitable. Your choices of brush, soap, bowl, etc., are important, yes, but not as important as your choice of razor. YMMV, but most likely, in the long-ish run, you will wind up with a Gillette. A Gillette Tech or most SuperSpeeds are all-around fantastic razors. IMHO, better than a Merkur.

I understand the impetus to buy an HD, or a 38C - they are forgiving, and you don't want to get cut. Most (not all) SSs are less forgiving, but that's a very relative term. SS offer fantastic shaves, and, when starting out, you will get cut. Doesn't matter if it's an HD or a SS doing the cutting.
Welcome to B&B!

3rd. Do not buy 100 Astra if you didn't try a single pack. If you know how Astra work, then that's all right but I would pick a razor blade sample pack to start with instead of 100 blades. It's possible that your face won't agree with them and you will be stuck with 99 blades.

I would say start with 1 tube of Proraso and a second tube of something else.

Get a blade sampler pack instead and take a few for a test run, and you'll save money.

Don't get hung up on a brush too much - there are other things, like blades, razor and cream that will probably make more of a difference to helping you shave well. Pick a budget, rather than trying to get your head around grades and dimensions. Anything Badger will be good.

Once you've got the main tools in place, all consumables are very cheap. If you keep AD's at bay, you will save a fortune over carts and cans.
Welcome to B&B!

I can't really speak for those brushes as I don't know them. Someone else might.

I would recommend starting with a basic Omega bristle/boar brush (usually around $10). Those are cheap yes but will do the work and for a while.

2nd. Merkur HD is a great starter razor, as mentionned up here by Aaron, I wouldn't buy it in a set

3rd. Do not buy 100 Astra if you didn't try a single pack. If you know how Astra work, then that's all right but I would pick a razor blade sample pack to start with instead of 100 blades. It's possible that your face won't agree with them and you will be stuck with 99 blades.

I would say start with 1 tube of Proraso and a second tube of something else.

With the above, if you want to get a cheap starter kit, I would recommend looking on BST (Buy/Sell/Trade) section of this forum. You will be able to get a cheap Gillette Tech or Superspeed (maybe even a Merkur HD), second hand for cheaper than the store.

+1 on the omega brush, it does smell like something died and was embalmed though!


I bought the white one, and its probably the best bang for buck in shaving not to mention the best brush I bought for the money.
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My bullet points:

- Avoid sets (effectively $50 brush stands)
- Get a blade sampler
- Get a good basic Omega brush (I am very happy with a $5 Burma-Shave bore, but that's just me).
- The Merkur's an o.k. razor if you're more comfortable buying new. Otherwise, a vintage something or other will be of as high or higher quality, less expensive and more interesting.

There'll be plenty of time later to get into the esoterics of brushes but I think you'll be making a mistake diving that deep before you've had a chance to see how your shaving goes (particularly if you're trying to save a little money).

- Chris
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My bullet points:

- Avoid sets (effectively $50 brush stands)
- Get a blade sampler
- Get a good basic Omega brush (I am very happy with a $5 Burma-Shave bore, but that's just me).
- The Merkur's an o.k. razor if you're more comfortable buying new. Otherwise, a vintage something or other will be of as high or higher quality less expensive and more interesting.

There'll be twenty of time later to get into the esoterics of brushes but I think you'll be making a mistake diving that deep before you've had a chance to see how your shaving goes (particularly if you're trying to save a little money).

- Chris

Spot on.

If you are going with a Merkur, the HD does get good press but I always suspected that was because it looked cool. I actually prefer a lighter razor so would go with one of the more basic three-piece Merkurs. Think sports car instead of SUV. Lots of tight curves on your face as well as straightaways!
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I have the Vulfix Pure Badger 1000A in white imitation ivory handle and a Colonely Conk shave/brush holder and really like it. I've bought and sold a tweezerman, good cheap brush, a 1 2 Rooney super, a little too big of a brush for me and a EJ BB in faux ivory and it was okay but still like the 1000A the best. Sometimes more money isn't better. Depends on your taste and you probably won't be happy until you buy and sell a few. The beauty of the forum is you can buy and sell without losing a whole bunch of money.
The beauty of the forum is you can buy and sell without losing a whole bunch of money.

Good point!

I do exactly that. I sell for prices designed to make a fast sale and consider the difference between what I paid and what I sold for as a relatively inexpensive hobby/education/etc..
I've had Vulfix and Rooney brushes. I like the Rooneys. They do cost a bit more for the same size but I think they more than justify the price difference.

I always tell people to hold off on the brush stand as they all seem way overpriced to me. A piece of chromed bent metal. If you were in one of the big discount housewares stores they'd call it a toothbrush holder and it'd cost $10 instead of $40! It is also something that not everyone bothers with anyway.

The savings on the stand would cover the upgrade to a Rooney and still leave you a bunch left over.

+1 on the stand. If you "fling" the excess water from the brush, it'll dry just as effectively as upside down. I've never had a moisture issue.
The set up seems nice. While I can't speak on Vulfix, my Rooney in pure versus super was a big difference. Now that they are breaking in I can really enjoy either.

Thing is though... The brush might not change much. But you will always get another one... It is inevitable.

Maybe get the vulfix and check out the bst section. People sell super badger restores. You could get a sweet brush that way with a ton more character.

Thank You, that sounds about right.. I am sure I will be investing in another brush if I like it as much as I believe I will, so maybe starting with the pure grey badger will be fine to start.. I will also check out the bst section in the future when I am willing to invest more into a brush. Thanks

Sodapopjones said:
I'll be honest I didn't read all of it, however

1. Don't buy a set
2. Don't buy a set
3. Don't buy a set

The 34C is fine

I would say, look locally for a cheap brush and soap, (Not Canadain so I have no idea).

Buying a set before you've actually even wet shaved is a really bad move, you may wind up hating it...

The mention of the set came into play towards the end of it all.. I am more stuck on the decision of the brush and even the stand somewhat. I have been leaning towards individual items from the beginning.. I just mention the set to see if it was possibly a better deal considering the brush details and better stand. I believe I am with you on not buying a set though.. I rather purchase single items and know exactly what I am getting. I truly believe I will like wetshaving though, its similar to what I do now but with different tools.

Robert Paulsen said:
I've had Vulfix and Rooney brushes. I like the Rooneys. They do cost a bit more for the same size but I think they more than justify the price difference.

I always tell people to hold off on the brush stand as they all seem way overpriced to me. A piece of chromed bent metal. If you were in one of the big discount housewares stores they'd call it a toothbrush holder and it'd cost $10 instead of $40! It is also something that not everyone bothers with anyway.

The savings on the stand would cover the upgrade to a Rooney and still leave you a bunch left over.

Second person so far in this thread to mention the Rooneys, definitely have to check them out.. That throws another bone in the mix.. haha :)

I agree on the stand being over priced and nothing more then a toothbrush holder in reality. But I read that a stand is important on keeping the brush dry and happy.. So I need something to hand it upside down. The basic stand for $8.99 is not that bad of a price and that is what I was originally leaning towards. It appears to be black plastic and all one mold to make a small square stand to hold the brush.

I would only see savings if I purchased the set with the metal stand, the original items being looked into where just the razor, brush, cream and blades.. Though I did have the $8.99 stand included.. So if you are talking about leaving that out to pay for the upgraded rooney, then what will I do with the brush in the meantime for upside down storage?

BarryR said:
I'm not sure if this is true of all Vulfixes but mine was way too soft/floppy for me (I think it was a 2235 Super Badger).

My next two were an SR and then a Rooney Heritage Medium Stubby.

I've like each more than the previous so that would make me lean toward a Rooney. Though I wouldn't spend $150 on my first brush, one of the less expensive Rooney's might be a good choice.

Hi BarryR

Your the third one now to mention the Rooney and nobody jumping out saying Vulfix.. So I will Definitely be looking at them.. Thank You.

Luc said:
Welcome to B&B!

I can't really speak for those brushes as I don't know them. Someone else might.

I would recommend starting with a basic Omega bristle/boar brush (usually around $10). Those are cheap yes but will do the work and for a while.

2nd. Merkur HD is a great starter razor, as mentionned up here by Aaron, I wouldn't buy it in a set

3rd. Do not buy 100 Astra if you didn't try a single pack. If you know how Astra work, then that's all right but I would pick a razor blade sample pack to start with instead of 100 blades. It's possible that your face won't agree with them and you will be stuck with 99 blades.

I would say start with 1 tube of Proraso and a second tube of something else.

With the above, if you want to get a cheap starter kit, I would recommend looking on BST (Buy/Sell/Trade) section of this forum. You will be able to get a cheap Gillette Tech or Superspeed (maybe even a Merkur HD), second hand for cheaper than the store.
Thanks for the welcome Luc.. :)

hrmm.. boar brush to start? Maybe I should take a long at local stores for pricing on them, sure many places have em. My gut tells me to get the cheapest badger that I can find to start rather then boar. I will look into the local pricing on boar brushes though.. If they are that cheap, I may start with that just to get a idea. Thing is, I have to pay shipping on everything due to my location.. So I was hoping to get it all at once. Same reason for buying bulk blades and cream. If I have to pay $11 shipping for test brush, then another for really brush. That's about $25 I could have spent towards a real brush. Boar price plus shipping. It adds up

As for buying second hand. I haven't looked in there yet to know the pricing, but if the savings is not substantial, then it may not be worth it, due to shipping again.. Its going to cost me at the very least $10 to get something shipped here. If the savings are more then $10 - 15 then It may be worth a look. But then I am dealing with a person not a company and it changes things a little. I will look into it though.

I hear ya I not buying 100 blades up front and even read that at other places. But I figure no matter how bad the blades are, it has to be better then using mach 3 cartridges beyond their usability. I prefer to have more then enough on hand and even if I don't like them, purchase others later. I don't suspect I will be making a order anytime soon after the first order and I would rather have more blades on hand then not enough. I think my next order will be a test pack though.. I know I am backwards.. AS for the cream, I may order another brand.... I was thinking about that as well. Though the proraso seems to be a safe bet, it may not be my complete favorite it the future, but it will more then do from what I read.
machine99703 said:
Might I suggest this brush?
Rooney 3/1 in pure, I like mine quite a bit. Size works good for me too.
$39.99 us
Thanks for the link and another vote for the Rooney.. Will look into it for sure

Robert Paulsen said:
Excellent choice(s). Go for the pure at $40 or splurge on the super at $75, wherever your comfort level is. I suspect the finest down at the bottom are great but to me I would need a trial run (not likely!) before I would spend that much on a single brush.

Great.. I will be looking into these for SURE!

ShizzyMcJizzles said:
I am gonna break the trend here.

Your setup sounds very very good. I suspect that, once you have been at it with the Merkur for a couple of weeks, you will feel the itch to try something else. It is almost inevitable. Your choices of brush, soap, bowl, etc., are important, yes, but not as important as your choice of razor. YMMV, but most likely, in the long-ish run, you will wind up with a Gillette. A Gillette Tech or most SuperSpeeds are all-around fantastic razors. IMHO, better than a Merkur.

I understand the impetus to buy an HD, or a 38C - they are forgiving, and you don't want to get cut. Most (not all) SSs are less forgiving, but that's a very relative term. SS offer fantastic shaves, and, when starting out, you will get cut. Doesn't matter if it's an HD or a SS doing the cutting.

Hi Shizzy

lol.. NO! don't start me on another razor too now.. Thought I was deap enough with the brushes.. haha.. I am sure once I get hooked on this whole setup I will always want to try new things to find my own personal groove. I will look into those two razors.

I know I will get cut, as much as I do not want too.. its all new to me and its definitely going to get me cut. So for that reason, I don't mind looking into something that I may find better in the future rather then immediately.

Drubbing said:
Get a blade sampler pack instead and take a few for a test run, and you'll save money.

Don't get hung up on a brush too much - there are other things, like blades, razor and cream that will probably make more of a difference to helping you shave well. Pick a budget, rather than trying to get your head around grades and dimensions. Anything Badger will be good.

Once you've got the main tools in place, all consumables are very cheap. If you keep AD's at bay, you will save a fortune over carts and cans.

hrmm.. sampler pack again.. maybe I should.. hrrmm. something to think about. I agree on the budget though, I really should set a number in place.. But if it grows by a "few" dollars and ensures that I will be happy with my products for longer, I don't mind expanding.

I agree with the consumable being cheaper. One of my main reasons for switching. Thing is, around here I cannot pick up these brand name consumable like feather, astra, derby, proraso, old taylor, etc... So I have to order online and the shipping is the cost factor that rising everything for me.. So this is why I would like to order in bulk. Maybe not a good idea to start though.

Sodapopjones said:
+1 on the omega brush, it does smell like something died and was embalmed though!


I bought the white one, and its probably the best bang for buck in shaving not to mention the best brush I bought for the money.

Thanks, will look into that brush as a starter..

WittyAg said:
When I asked the same question a month ago, I was steered towards the Rooney brushes offered at Vintage Blades. If you don't mind spending in the neighborhood of $75, you can get a damn fine brush with their super silvertip line.


Yes, seems that most on this board favor the rooneys. Nobody has really stood up to say otherwise in favor of vulfix. Though they are mentioned as good and will do.

82R100 said:
My bullet points:

- Avoid sets (effectively $50 brush stands)
- Get a blade sampler
- Get a good basic Omega brush (I am very happy with a $5 Burma-Shave bore, but that's just me).
- The Merkur's an o.k. razor if you're more comfortable buying new. Otherwise, a vintage something or other will be of as high or higher quality less expensive and more interesting.

There'll be twenty of time later to get into the esoterics of brushes but I think you'll be making a mistake diving that deep before you've had a chance to see how your shaving goes (particularly if you're trying to save a little money).

- Chris

Hi Chris.

Yes, going to avoid the set now.. I think that is one thing I have ironed out from this thread. Thought more things have opened up.. lol.

Blade sampler... Yes, seems to be the proper way to do things. So maybe that is what I will do..

omega brush, your the third to recommend this, so its on the list of things to research and the cost seems great!

I will look into the vintage prices.. and compare them with shipping cost included.

I knew the brush debate would zig zag me all around, but I thought maybe something may come out as a clear beginner brush.. The rooneys seem to be taking the top right now..

houlejames said:
I have the Vulfix Pure Badger 1000A in white imitation ivory handle and a Colonely Conk shave/brush holder and really like it. I've bought and sold a tweezerman, good cheap brush, a 1 2 Rooney super, a little too big of a brush for me and a EJ BB in faux ivory and it was okay but still like the 1000A the best. Sometimes more money isn't better. Depends on your taste and you probably won't be happy until you buy and sell a few. The beauty of the forum is you can buy and sell without losing a whole bunch of money.
Hi Jim;

Great to hear that you using one of the brushes that I was leaning towards.. Actually the one I probably would have bought without posting this thread. Great to know that selling on this forum seems to be a awesome avenue as well.

texbilly said:
+1 on the stand. If you "fling" the excess water from the brush, it'll dry just as effectively as upside down. I've never had a moisture issue.

Really? I see on many places making a big deal of hanging upside down and I thought it seemed in excess. Now, I read your comment and it really makes me wonder.. Thanks to both of you for this.. That $9.00 stand may be a thing of the past now. Cheers
Brush: Problem area.
I'd be remiss if I didn't recommend Penworks. I have two of their brushes and they're outstanding values for the money.


$32 - Finest badger - 20mm knot


$55 - Finest badger - 22mm knot - Beautiful Box Elder Burl wood handle.

Both are easily worth twice what I paid for them!!

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