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First thread - Two shaving stories in one

I've been wet shaving since August after my wife bought me a starter set. I've recently been suggeating the she give it a try. This past weekend, while I was walking with the kids, she took a shower and lathered up some Mystic Water - Sensitive Skin, used a new Gillette 7 O'Clock Black blade in my Gillette Tech razor and commenced to shaving her legs. She likely did not produce a good lather but she did get a DFS after a 2 pass ATG shave. She really enjoyed it and I enjoyed it, too. I was quite impressed. Hopefully she continues to shave this way.

Later that day I was in a hurry but needed to shave. I showered and face lathered MW - SS for the first time. I've always mug lathered MW. Have not been able to perfect the lather in the mug. But the face lathering really made a great lather. Man, I was swimming in lather. And, the shave was the best I've had since I started in August. Only 2 passes (WTG and ATG then touch-ups). I used the same razor that my wife used. Who knew?
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