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First Straight Shave



I shaved for the first time with a straight today, which was honed by Lynn Abrams. Only a couple of small nicks, due to some pimples. Had a somewhat of a hard time to get a good lather, not sure what I am doing wrong there.
I little razor burn around the chin, which was a pain to shave. There is mostly stubble left over, comperble to a five 0-clock shadow.
I have a couple of questions: (1) The badger brush smells, how long until the smell goes away; and, (2) What is the proper technique for getting a good lather(Note, I am using Col. Conk bay rum shaving soap.)?
Sounds like you made the real bold move from canned goo and mach 3's to straights:eek: That is quite a leap into wetshaving, but by the sounds of it you are off to a good start. Don't sweat the 5'o clock shadow, it will get better as it has for me in the week since I've switched to straight. Once you refine your technique the BBS(baby butt smooth) shave will come. As for the burn, I was getting it something fierce, short strokes and less pressure might be the key to getting rid of it. As for the soap and brush, keep working at it and both the smell will go away and lather will improve. There are better soaps out there also, but the Col. isn't a bad start.
Congrats on the straight. For your soap may I suggest this thread. Your brush smell will go away with normal use but shampooing it will help the process.
I shaved for the first time with a straight today, which was honed by Lynn Abrams. Only a couple of small nicks, due to some pimples. Had a somewhat of a hard time to get a good lather, not sure what I am doing wrong there.
I little razor burn around the chin, which was a pain to shave. There is mostly stubble left over, comperble to a five 0-clock shadow.
I have a couple of questions: (1) The badger brush smells, how long until the smell goes away; and, (2) What is the proper technique for getting a good lather(Note, I am using Col. Conk bay rum shaving soap.)?

First off, Congratulations on your first shave with a straight blade.

As to the lather question --- do you have hard or soft water? I have hard water ( well drilled 250 feet in limestone) Have not had good luck with any of the puck type soaps. Switched to Taylor of Old Bond Street - Sandalwood Shaving Cream, and now get rich thick lather with little effort.



"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
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Welcome to B&B!

Great to see that you are now part of the straight razor club!
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