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First straight shave

I got my Grandpa's stsight back from honing and had to give it a try. One modest gash. Lol
This brings me to a technique question. Do most of you shave WTG? I have to be a contortunist to get and ATG straight shave. Maybe it's part of the learning curve, but I'm wondering if most folks use a three direction shave, as I commonly do with my DE's.
Hi John and welcome. The best thing to do to get an idea of different hand holds is to watch some shave videos on you tube. There are some very good ones by Mantic, Geofatboy and others that would give you some really good ideas. You definitely do not have to be a contortionist to do them. Do you use your left hand for your left side? I would recommend that, though it isn't necessary as many use just one hand and they do fine. I myself do find it easier to switch hands. I use my right hand for ATG on the left side and the left hand for ATG on the right side.
It's different for everyone. You need to find what works for you personally. Watching the different videos just gives you some ideas.
Thanks. I was wonder if staight razor folks do the three pass. The answer is yes. I'll have to sort out how now. :)
I did a two pass last night. NS and SN. Some touchup around my chin and under the nose with my Fili 14. Without question BBS and no irritation. One of my best shaves ever since I started using a straight 4 months ago.
I find that I get so much more off with my WTG pass with a straight than a DE that I don't really need to shave ATG much. In fact, the only ATG I usually do is under my chin - one WTG pass with XTG touch-up is what I like best for the rest. I don't strive for BBS though - as long as no stubble can be seen and my skin feels smooth and hairless WTG I'm happy, and I almost never feel any discomfort.
I've shaved a dozen times with my straights now. I'm still not getting as close as I'd like and with stopping I don't think the razors are as sharp as I think they should be.
I've honed them a bit with balsa a paste but???
More practice required I think. It's still quite awkward shaving.
Thank goodness for these videos. If I ever get my nerve up, I am gonna find my grandfather's (born 1903) straights, get 'em honed and stropped, and give 'em a shot.

The razors are in my parents' house somewhere, but they have accumulated so much stuff, I don't know where to look.
I'm only doing a two pass right now, a with and an across stroke. I wouldn't necessarily try and replicate what you do with a DE, at least not at first. Also, if you check the Wiki there are some pix showing the different ways to hold the straight, that might help.
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