Late this evening probably wasn't the best time to try out my new straight, but it has been here since yesterday & I had to give it a go... A quick second look at the straight razor guide to confirm proper grip & I was away
The feeling of lifting the blade to my neck for the first time is one I won't forget for quite a while! I went mainly by feel in terms of blade angle and concentrated on short, light strokes. It worked pretty well for the most part & I was surprised how close my shave was considering I don't have a strop yet. I stopped at ~2 light passes on my neck that removed quite a bit of beard. The best part was that I didn't cut myself! The pic below shows the results before I rubbed on a little AS balm. This smoothed my skin out quite a bit & it's doing fine now... I'm pretty happy with this first experience and will look to the forum for more advice on technique and blade maintenance... More to follow.