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First Speik splash

Gave it a go this am on my face and head.

Unabashed alcohol ZIIIIIING! But it is a quickly fading shot, not lingering burn. For me the scent is somewhat subtle, slightly medicinal.

Nice wake-you-up sort of splash.

thumbs up.:thumbup:

it was recommended several times to me here on B&B - as I have always been a bay rum (dominica or Conk mostly)and or balm kind of guy (Conk Almond or T&F sandalwood).

Speick is now my 'go to' AS....well, that and I found some NOS English Leather on Ebay from the mid 70s - which is what my father wore when i was a youngin (as my name indicted, born in 1970) talk about memories in a bottle!

with you unabashedly on the 2 thumbs up for Speick!

B&B opened my eyes to the world of soaps, pre-shave gels, AS and so much more... looking back on my 15 years (+/-) of wetshaving - I limited myself to 3 razors, 2 brushes 2-3 creams and a soap. now??? well, got the ADs bad....just so many products and so little time LOL
I tried it yesterday for the first time (Speick). I must say, I was a little dissapointed. Scent wasnt all that strong, little alcohol burn, but after that, nothin. I bought some Proraso to, which I will be unveiling tonight. Got my fingers crossed. If all else fails, just get the Osage Rub back out.
i like a subtle AS scent as I'll be dousing cologne afterwards -if I'm going out into the world at least

not to mention on any given shave I may have 4-5 scents going at any one time - soap/shampoo in shower, pre-shave oil, soap/cream, AS/Balm, skinfood etc etc
I tried it yesterday for the first time (Speick). I must say, I was a little dissapointed. Scent wasnt all that strong, little alcohol burn, but after that, nothin. I bought some Proraso to, which I will be unveiling tonight. Got my fingers crossed. If all else fails, just get the Osage Rub back out.

What were you looking for? Speick isn't a big menthol A/S and it is a fast fading scent, what it is known is the skin conditioning ability. Proraso will have more menthol but it doesn't have the skin conditioning of Speick. If all you want is a burn and great menthol only Alcolado Glacial will compete with Osage Rub.

I was looking for more......potency I guess. I did like the Proraso scent a little better, and it lasted a lot longer, but my face felt sticky afterwords for quite a while. Speick wins.
Yes, quick fading and not overly powerful scent has both plusses and minuses.

Good splash none the less.
A good splash for when I shave and go shopping, fishing, bowling etc. It's there after dry down, but just faintly and not for too long.
Damn you, Ouch. I wants me a 55 gallon drum, which I'd keep it in the bathroom to dunk my entire head in after a shave.
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